Prepared by:
Last Updated 09/04/2024
Date of Engagement by: June 24th, 2024 - August 1st, 2024
100% of all REPORTED Findings have been addressed
All findings
Runemine engaged Halborn to conduct a security audit of Runemine's bridge implementation, involving code review and audit techniques. The assessment began on June 24th, 2024 and ended on August 1st, 2024. The security assessment was scoped to the private GitHub repository provided to the Halborn team.
The team at Halborn was originally provided two weeks for the engagement and assigned two full-time security engineers to audit the security of all the repositories in scope. The time frame was further extended to six weeks due to code changes, new bridge deployments and UI changes. The engineers are security experts with advanced knowledge in penetration testing, red teaming, and multiple blockchain protocols.
The purpose of this audit was to:
- Perform automated and manual static analysis on the source code.
- Ensure that coding best practices are being followed by Runemine.
- Identify potential security issues within the source code and the bridge's operations.
Halborn initially conducted source code analysis of the commit ID f06c6f59bff58ce2d98220a7b290fdc7e74c287a. Runemine then requested to include newer code released as part of commit ID 22be772104892d1647d8c7a4163d41c9a846ccd8
Halborn performed a combination of manual and automated security testing to balance efficiency, timeliness, practicality, and accuracy in regard to the scope of this audit. While manual testing is recommended to uncover flaws in logic, process and implementation; automated testing techniques help enhance coverage of the code and can quickly identify items that do not follow security best practices.
The testers had recurrent difficulties deploying the bridge locally, using the public UI provided by Runemine on two separate URLs, and generally making transactions. While the original UI and bridge running at worked, code changes pushed while testing rendered the bridge unusable. Runemine therefore provided a stable release with unit tests as part of commit ID 22be772104892d1647d8c7a4163d41c9a846ccd8. The final commit ID, however, contained a different code base with large changes compared to the original commit to audit. This code was therefore not reviewed as thoroughly, as tests were rather focused on creating bogus transactions to identify any improper behavior of the bridge.
Impact x Likelihood
Security analysis | Risk level | Remediation Date |
Integer Overflow in UTXO Accumulation | Critical | Solved - 08/23/2024 |
Integer Overflow on the Fee Calculation | Critical | Solved - 08/23/2024 |
Decimals Not Ignored in Amount Calculation | Critical | Solved - 08/23/2024 |
Solana Poller Uses Panic, Risking Bridge Halt | High | Risk Accepted |
Implement Timeout Handling in HTTP Utility Functions | Medium | Solved - 08/23/2024 |
Deterministic Seed in Bridge Application | Low | Solved - 08/23/2024 |
Implement Secure Key Management System | Low | Risk Accepted |
Insecure Server Configuration | Low | Risk Accepted |
Missing nLockTime field | Low | Solved - 08/23/2024 |
Lack of Backup RPC Endpoints for Bitcoin and Solana | Low | Risk Accepted |
Outdated Dependencies | Low | Solved - 08/23/2024 |
Ineffective Block Validation | Low | Solved - 08/23/2024 |
Implement Minimum Transfer Amount Check in Bridge Function | Informational | Acknowledged |
Standardize Logging Across the Bridge Implementation | Informational | Acknowledged |
Potential Time Synchronization Issue in Bridge Transactions | Informational | Acknowledged |
Weak Seed Generation Process | Informational | Acknowledged |
Potential Zero Fee for Small Transfers | Informational | Acknowledged |
Overly Permissive CORS Configuration | Informational | Acknowledged |
Missing Check on Bitcoin Opcode | Informational | Acknowledged |
// Critical
There's a risk of integer overflow in the UTXO accumulation process within the appendUtxos function. The current implementation uses int64 for inputSatoshis, which could overflow when dealing with large or numerous UTXOs.
int64 total amount of input utxos
func (a *Adapter) appendUtxos(tx *wire.MsgTx, receiver string, runeID string, runeAmount string) ([]int64, error) {
if runeAmount == "0" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("runeAmount must be greater than 0")
var res struct{ FastestFee int64 }
err := util.Http(&res, "GET", "", "", nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// add payment utxos
fee := res.FastestFee * 150 / 100
if fee > maxFeePerByte {
fee = maxFeePerByte
costSatoshis := int64(runeUtxoValue + runeUtxoValue + (fee * bytesPerRuneUtxo))
inputSatoshis := int64(0)
inputAmounts := []int64{}
utxos, err := a.client.Utxos(a.multisig)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
sort.Slice(utxos, func(i, j int) bool {
if utxos[i].Status.Confirmed != utxos[i].Status.Confirmed {
return utxos[i].Status.Confirmed
return utxos[i].Value > utxos[j].Value
for _, utxo := range utxos {
value := int64(utxo.Value)
txId := utxo.Txid
voutIdx := uint32(utxo.Vout)
// don't spend our "dust" runes utxos
// exist with more than 10k satoshis
if value <= minimumDustThreshold {
// skip recently spent utxo (that the utxo api might not have indexed)
if isSpent(fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", txId, voutIdx)) {
inputSatoshis += value
inputAmounts = append(inputAmounts, value)
hash, err := chainhash.NewHashFromStr(txId)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
tx.AddTxIn(wire.NewTxIn(wire.NewOutPoint(hash, voutIdx), nil, nil))
if inputSatoshis > costSatoshis {
if inputSatoshis < costSatoshis {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("not enough utxos to cover cost: %d < %d", inputSatoshis, costSatoshis)
changeSatoshis := inputSatoshis - costSatoshis
// add runes utxos
runesUtxos, err := a.indexer.GetUtxos(a.multisig)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
targetAmount := util.StringToInt(runeAmount)
currentAmount := int64(0)
for _, u := range runesUtxos.Utxos {
idParts := strings.Split(u.Id, ":")
index := uint32(util.StringToInt(idParts[1]))
// skip recently spent utxo (that the utxo api might not have indexed)
if isSpent(fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", idParts[0], index)) {
b, ok := u.Balances[runeID]
if !ok {
amount, err := b.Int64()
if err != nil {
currentAmount += amount
inputAmounts = append(inputAmounts, int64(u.Value))
hash, err := chainhash.NewHashFromStr(idParts[0])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
tx.AddTxIn(wire.NewTxIn(wire.NewOutPoint(hash, index), nil, nil))
if currentAmount >= targetAmount {
if currentAmount < targetAmount {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("not enough utxos (RUNES) to cover cost: %d < %d", currentAmount, targetAmount)
// add outputs - it should be extracted into a separate function
for _, out := range []struct {
Address string
Amount int64
}{{a.multisig, runeUtxoValue}, {receiver, runeUtxoValue}, {a.multisig, changeSatoshis}} {
outputAddress, err := btcutil.DecodeAddress(out.Address,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
pkScript, err := txscript.PayToAddrScript(outputAddress)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
tx.AddTxOut(wire.NewTxOut(out.Amount, pkScript))
split := strings.Split(runeID, ".")
runestoneInts := []*big.Int{big.NewInt(0), util.StringToBi(split[0]), util.StringToBi(split[1]), util.StringToBi(runeAmount), big.NewInt(1)}
runestoneBytes := []byte{}
zero := big.NewInt(0)
for _, i := range runestoneInts {
for (&big.Int{}).Rsh(i, 7).Cmp(zero) > 0 {
b := i.Bytes()
runestoneBytes = append(runestoneBytes, b[len(b)-1]|0b1000_0000)
i.Rsh(i, 7)
b := i.Bytes()
if len(b) > 0 {
runestoneBytes = append(runestoneBytes, b[len(b)-1])
} else {
runestoneBytes = append(runestoneBytes, 0)
runestoneBytes = append([]byte{106, 93, byte(len(runestoneBytes))}, runestoneBytes...)
tx.AddTxOut(&wire.TxOut{PkScript: runestoneBytes})
return inputAmounts, nil
package main
import (
func main() {
// Simulate the UTXO accumulation process
inputSatoshis := int64(0)
// Let's use UTXOs that will cause an overflow
utxos := []int64{
math.MaxInt64 - 10, // Very close to max int64
20, // This will cause the overflow
fmt.Println("Initial inputSatoshis:", inputSatoshis)
for i, value := range utxos {
prevInputSatoshis := inputSatoshis
inputSatoshis += value
fmt.Printf("After UTXO %d (value %d):\n", i+1, value)
fmt.Printf(" Previous total: %d\n", prevInputSatoshis)
fmt.Printf(" New total: %d\n", inputSatoshis)
if inputSatoshis < prevInputSatoshis {
fmt.Printf("OVERFLOW DETECTED! The total decreased after adding a positive value.\n")
Use big.Int for UTXO value accumulation to prevent overflow.
SOLVED: The RuneMine team solved the issue by implementing the suggested recommendations.
// Critical
There is an integer overflow vulnerability in the appendUtxos function of the Bitcoin adapter. This issue arises from the calculation of the transaction fee, which could lead to unexpected behavior, including the creation of transactions with incorrect fees or the inability to create transactions at all.
int64 total amount of input utxos
func (a *Adapter) appendUtxos(tx *wire.MsgTx, receiver string, runeID string, runeAmount string) ([]int64, error) {
if runeAmount == "0" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("runeAmount must be greater than 0")
var res struct{ FastestFee int64 }
err := util.Http(&res, "GET", "", "", nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// add payment utxos
fee := res.FastestFee * 150 / 100
if fee > maxFeePerByte {
fee = maxFeePerByte
costSatoshis := int64(runeUtxoValue + runeUtxoValue + (fee * bytesPerRuneUtxo))
inputSatoshis := int64(0)
inputAmounts := []int64{}
utxos, err := a.client.Utxos(a.multisig)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
sort.Slice(utxos, func(i, j int) bool {
if utxos[i].Status.Confirmed != utxos[i].Status.Confirmed {
return utxos[i].Status.Confirmed
return utxos[i].Value > utxos[j].Value
for _, utxo := range utxos {
value := int64(utxo.Value)
txId := utxo.Txid
voutIdx := uint32(utxo.Vout)
// don't spend our "dust" runes utxos
// exist with more than 10k satoshis
if value <= minimumDustThreshold {
// skip recently spent utxo (that the utxo api might not have indexed)
if isSpent(fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", txId, voutIdx)) {
inputSatoshis += value
inputAmounts = append(inputAmounts, value)
hash, err := chainhash.NewHashFromStr(txId)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
tx.AddTxIn(wire.NewTxIn(wire.NewOutPoint(hash, voutIdx), nil, nil))
if inputSatoshis > costSatoshis {
if inputSatoshis < costSatoshis {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("not enough utxos to cover cost: %d < %d", inputSatoshis, costSatoshis)
changeSatoshis := inputSatoshis - costSatoshis
// add runes utxos
runesUtxos, err := a.indexer.GetUtxos(a.multisig)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
targetAmount := util.StringToInt(runeAmount)
currentAmount := int64(0)
for _, u := range runesUtxos.Utxos {
idParts := strings.Split(u.Id, ":")
index := uint32(util.StringToInt(idParts[1]))
// skip recently spent utxo (that the utxo api might not have indexed)
if isSpent(fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", idParts[0], index)) {
b, ok := u.Balances[runeID]
if !ok {
amount, err := b.Int64()
if err != nil {
currentAmount += amount
inputAmounts = append(inputAmounts, int64(u.Value))
hash, err := chainhash.NewHashFromStr(idParts[0])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
tx.AddTxIn(wire.NewTxIn(wire.NewOutPoint(hash, index), nil, nil))
if currentAmount >= targetAmount {
if currentAmount < targetAmount {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("not enough utxos (RUNES) to cover cost: %d < %d", currentAmount, targetAmount)
// add outputs - it should be extracted into a separate function
for _, out := range []struct {
Address string
Amount int64
}{{a.multisig, runeUtxoValue}, {receiver, runeUtxoValue}, {a.multisig, changeSatoshis}} {
outputAddress, err := btcutil.DecodeAddress(out.Address,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
pkScript, err := txscript.PayToAddrScript(outputAddress)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
tx.AddTxOut(wire.NewTxOut(out.Amount, pkScript))
split := strings.Split(runeID, ".")
runestoneInts := []*big.Int{big.NewInt(0), util.StringToBi(split[0]), util.StringToBi(split[1]), util.StringToBi(runeAmount), big.NewInt(1)}
runestoneBytes := []byte{}
zero := big.NewInt(0)
for _, i := range runestoneInts {
for (&big.Int{}).Rsh(i, 7).Cmp(zero) > 0 {
b := i.Bytes()
runestoneBytes = append(runestoneBytes, b[len(b)-1]|0b1000_0000)
i.Rsh(i, 7)
b := i.Bytes()
if len(b) > 0 {
runestoneBytes = append(runestoneBytes, b[len(b)-1])
} else {
runestoneBytes = append(runestoneBytes, 0)
runestoneBytes = append([]byte{106, 93, byte(len(runestoneBytes))}, runestoneBytes...)
tx.AddTxOut(&wire.TxOut{PkScript: runestoneBytes})
return inputAmounts, nil
Use big.Int for fee calculations to avoid overflow issues.
SOLVED: The RuneMine team solved the issue by implementing the suggested recommendations.
// Critical
The current implementation does not properly handle decimal places in amount calculations, potentially leading to incorrect fee calculations and transfer amounts.
In the Bridge function of the Solana adapter, the amount calculation does not account for the decimal places of the token. This can result in incorrect fee calculations and transfer amounts, especially for tokens with different decimal places.
fee := uint64(util.StringToInt(transfer.Amount)) * a.feePercent / 1_000
amountWithoutFee := uint64(util.StringToInt(transfer.Amount)) - fee
Modify the amount calculation to account for these decimal places.
SOLVED: The RuneMine team solved the issue by using created by them and their decimals match the runes ones.
// High
The current implementation of the Solana poller uses panic for error handling in several places. This approach can cause the entire bridge process to halt when a single error occurs.
Problematic Code Example
1. In the poll function:util.Check(err) // This function panics on error
2. Direct use of panic:if fee < 50000000 {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("sol fee paid to small to cover transaction cost: %d", fee))
3. In utility functions:func Check(err error) {
if err != nil {
There's no visible panic recovery mechanism in the main function to catch panics from goroutines. This could lead to goroutine leaks and partial system failure.
RISK ACCEPTED: The RuneMine team accepted the risk of the issue.
// Medium
The current HTTP utility functions (Http and HttpVal) do not implement any timeout mechanism. This could lead to hanging requests if the server doesn't respond.
Current behavior:
- HTTP requests are made using the default HTTP client without any timeout setting.
- Long-running or non-responsive requests could block indefinitely.
1. Implement a configurable timeout for HTTP requests.
2. Use http.Client with a timeout instead of http.DefaultClient.
3. Add context support for cancellation and timeouts.
Reference :
SOLVED: The RuneMine team solved the issue by implementing the suggested recommendations.
// Low
The bridge application uses a time-based seeding method for its random number generator:
Implement a cryptographically secure random number generator. Consider using `crypto/rand` from the Go standard library:
seed, _ := crypto/rand.Int(crypto/rand.Reader, big.NewInt(1<<63-1))
SOLVED: The RuneMine team solved the issue by implementing the suggested recommendations.
// Low
The current implementation stores sensitive private keys as environment variables:
BitcoinPrivateKeys: util.EnvArray("BITCOIN_PRIVATE_KEYS"),
SolanaPrivateKeys: util.EnvArray("SOLANA_PRIVATE_KEYS"),
This approach poses security risks, as environment variables can be exposed through system logs, debugging output, or compromised system access.
Implement a secure key management system:
1. Use a dedicated key management service (e.g., HashiCorp Vault, AWS KMS, or Azure Key Vault).
2. Encrypt keys at rest and in transit.
3. Implement proper access controls and auditing for key operations.
4. Use temporary, rotating credentials instead of long-lived keys where possible.
RISK ACCEPTED: The RuneMine team accepted the risk of the issue.
// Low
The current server configuration uses HTTP instead of HTTPS, as evidenced by the following line of code:
http.ListenAndServe(":"+port, nil)
Implement HTTPS by using TLS/SSL. This involves the following steps:
1. Obtain an SSL/TLS certificate from a trusted Certificate Authority (CA).
2. Configure the server to use HTTPS instead of HTTP.
3. Implement proper TLS settings to ensure strong encryption and security.
RISK ACCEPTED: The RuneMine team accepted the risk of the issue.
// Low
The current implementation of Bitcoin transactions in the bridge doesn't set the nLockTime field. This could potentially expose our transactions to fee sniping attacks during blockchain reorganizations.
Consider using nLockTime field.
SOLVED: The RuneMine team solved the issue by implementing the suggested recommendations.
// Low
The current configuration uses single RPC endpoints for both Bitcoin and Solana networks without any backup options. This creates a single point of failure that could lead to service disruptions.
1. Implement RPC redundancy:
- Add multiple RPC endpoints for both Bitcoin and Solana networks
- Implement a failover mechanism to switch between RPCs
- Consider using a load balancing approach to distribute requests across multiple RPCs
2. Enhance configuration management:
- Move RPC URLs to a configuration file or environment variables
- Allow easy addition and removal of RPC endpoints without code changes
3. Implement health checks and monitoring:
- Regularly check the health of all RPC endpoints
- Automatically switch to healthy RPCs when issues are detected
- Alert the operations team when RPC issues are encountered
RISK ACCEPTED: The RuneMine team accepted the risk of the issue.
// Low
Multiple outdated dependencies were found in the codebase. These dependencies include versions with known security vulnerabilities that pose significant risks to the application’s security and stability.
| | v1.27.2 | v1.30.0 | true | true |
| | v1.27.18 | v1.27.22 | true | true |
| | v1.30.0 | v1.32.0 | true | true |
| | v0.24.0 | v0.24.2 | true | true |
| | v1.10.0 | v1.11.0 | true | true |
| | v5.5.5 | v5.6.0 | true | true |
| | v1.5.7 | v1.5.9 | true | true |
| | v1.25.9 | v1.25.10 | true | true |
Update all affected dependencies to the latest possible version.
SOLVED: The RuneMine team solved the issue by upgrading dependencies.
// Low
Bitcoin block validation ensures that every block added to the blockchain is legitimate and maintains the integrity of the network. It involves verifying the block header, ensuring proof of work, validating all transactions, checking the block reward, and ensuring the block integrates correctly into the blockchain. This process is fundamental to the security and functionality of Bitcoin.
Sometimes, temporary forks or competing chains can occur. A fork happens when two miners find a block at the same time, leading to two versions of the blockchain. The network will eventually adopt the longest chain (with the most proof of work), potentially abandoning blocks from shorter chains.
Time based validations cannot be considered safe as they are not validating the number of blocks confirmed.
func (p *Poller) poll(ctx context.Context, transfers chan<- *bridge.Transfer, errors chan<- error) {
response, err := p.indexer.GetTransfersByDestination(p.bridgeMultisig)
if err != nil {
errors <- err
for _, t := range response.Transfers {
tx, err := p.indexer.GetTransaction(t.Tx)
if err != nil {
errors <- err
// to handle reorgs, wait for tx to be 20m past 1st confirmation
if time.Now().Unix()-t.Time < 20*60 {
Monitor the number of confirmations of a transaction to avoid potentials reorganizations, so that triggering operations like minting or burn before the transactions is fully ensured only afterwards.
SOLVED: The RuneMine team solved the issue by increasing confirmation numbers, and they are going to monitor it.
// Informational
The current bridge function in the Bridge struct lacks a minimum transfer amount check. While this check is implemented in the BTC and Solana pollers, adding it to the central bridge function would provide an additional layer of security and consistency.
package bridge
import (
type Bridge struct {
repository *TransferRepository
runesWhitelist []string
Pollers map[int]Poller
Adapters map[int]Adapter
func NewBridge(config *Config, db *gorm.DB) *Bridge {
return &Bridge{
repository: NewTransferRepository(db),
runesWhitelist: config.RunesWhitelist,
Pollers: map[int]Poller{},
Adapters: map[int]Adapter{},
func (b *Bridge) SetPoller(network int, p Poller) {
b.Pollers[network] = p
func (b *Bridge) SetAdapter(network int, p Adapter) {
b.Adapters[network] = p
func (b *Bridge) Run(ctx context.Context) chan error {
errorChannel := make(chan error)
for network, p := range b.Pollers {
go, network, p, errorChannel)
return errorChannel
func (b *Bridge) run(ctx context.Context, network int, p Poller, errorChannel chan<- error) {
transferChannel := make(chan *Transfer, 10)
defer close(transferChannel)
go p.Poll(ctx, transferChannel, errorChannel)
for {
select {
case transfer := <-transferChannel:
b.bridge(ctx, network, transfer)
case <-ctx.Done():
func (b *Bridge) bridge(ctx context.Context, network int, transfer *Transfer) {
defer func() {
if err := recover(); err != nil {
transfer.Updated = time.Now()
transfer.Status = "error"
transfer.Error = fmt.Sprintf("panic: %v", err)
log.Println("bridge panic", transfer.ID, transfer.Error)
_, err := b.repository.FindById(transfer.ID)
if err == nil {
//log.Println("existing", transfer.ID)
log.Println("bridging", transfer.ID)
transfer.Source = network
transfer.Created = time.Now()
transfer.Updated = transfer.Created
if transfer.Status == "error" {
log.Println("bridge error", transfer.ID, transfer.Error)
if !slices.Contains(b.runesWhitelist, transfer.Rune) {
transfer.Status = "error"
transfer.Error = "rune not whitelisted"
log.Println("bridge error", transfer.ID, transfer.Error)
if transfer.To == "" {
transfer.Status = "error"
transfer.Error = "missing to wallet"
log.Println("bridge error", transfer.ID, transfer.Error)
if transfer.Amount == "" || transfer.Amount == "0" {
transfer.Status = "error"
transfer.Error = "missing amount"
log.Println("bridge error", transfer.ID, transfer.Error)
a, ok := b.Adapters[transfer.Target]
if !ok {
transfer.Status = "error"
transfer.Error = "unsupported network " + strconv.Itoa(transfer.Target)
log.Println("bridge error", transfer.ID, transfer.Error)
// Save now to avoid calling adapter.Bridge twice
transfer.Status = "sending"
targetId, err := a.Bridge(ctx, transfer)
transfer.Status = "sent"
transfer.Updated = time.Now()
transfer.TargetID = targetId
if err != nil {
transfer.Status = "error"
transfer.Error = err.Error()
log.Println("bridge error", transfer.ID, transfer.Error)
log.Println("bridged", transfer.ID, transfer.TargetID)
Implement a minimum transfer amount check in the bridge function:
1. Add a minimumTransferAmount
field to the Bridge struct or Config.
ACKNOWLEDGED: The RuneMine team acknowledged the issue.
// Informational
The current implementation uses a mix of logging methods, including fmt.Println, log.Println, and direct panic calls. This inconsistency makes it difficult to manage log levels and format logs uniformly across the bridge system.
Current issues:
1. Inconsistent use of logging methods (fmt.Println, log.Println, panic).
2. Lack of log levels (DEBUG, INFO, ERROR, etc.).
3. No centralized control over log output and formatting.
Implement a standardized logging system across the bridge, with the following features:
1. Define log levels (DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, FATAL).
2. Create a centralized logging package or utility.
3. Replace all current logging calls with the new standardized logger.
ACKNOWLEDGED: The RuneMine team acknowledged the issue.
// Informational
The Bridge function in the provided code uses time.Now() to set the Created and Updated fields of transactions. This approach can lead to inconsistencies in transaction timestamps across different nodes or systems, especially in a distributed environment.
Consider using Network Time Protocol (NTP) to ensure all nodes are synchronized to a common time source.
ACKNOWLEDGED: The RuneMine team acknowledged the issue.
// Informational
The current seed generation process in the generateKey function potentially uses a weak source of entropy, which could compromise the security of the generated keys.
func generateKey(i int) (string, []byte) {
if mnemonic := env("SEED"+strconv.Itoa(i), ""); mnemonic != "" {
seed, err := bip39.MnemonicToSeed(mnemonic, "")
return mnemonic, seed
entropy, err := bip39.GenerateEntropy(bip39.EntWords12)
mnemonic, seed, err := bip39.Mnemonic(entropy, "")
return mnemonic, seed
1. Use a cryptographically secure random number generator (CSPRNG) explicitly, such as crypto/rand from the Go standard library.
2. Avoid using environment variables for seed storage. If needed, use a secure key management system.
3. Increase the entropy to 256 bits (24 words) for enhanced security.
4. Add a strong passphrase to the seed generation process.
ACKNOWLEDGED: The RuneMine team acknowledged the issue.
// Informational
In the `Bridge` function, the fee calculation uses the following formula:
fee := uint64(util.StringToInt(transfer.Amount)) * a.feePercent / 1_000
For very small transfer amounts, this could result in a fee of 0 due to integer division. This may allow free transactions, which could be exploited and may not be economically viable for the system.
1. Implement a minimum fee threshold.
2. Use fixed-point arithmetic for more precise fee calculations.
3. Round up fees to the nearest whole number, ensuring a minimum of 1.
ACKNOWLEDGED: The RuneMine team acknowledged the issue.
// Informational
The server implements an overly permissive CORS policy:
w.Header().Set("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*")
w.Header().Set("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "HEAD, GET, POST")
w.Header().Set("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "Accept, Content-Type, Authorization")
1. Restrict the `Access-Control-Allow-Origin` header to specific, trusted domains.
2. Implement a whitelist of allowed origins.
3. Consider using environment variables to configure allowed origins for different environments.
ACKNOWLEDGED: The RuneMine team acknowledged the issue.
// Informational
When sending a transaction with a different Bitcoin Opcode, the bridge processed the transaction and did not verify that the OP_RETURN opcode was used. This eventually resulted in the user's wallet being locked. Subsequent transactions failed along with the error bad-txns-inputs-missingorsend
The Bitcoin Opcode was changed from 106
(OP_RETURN) to 97
The bridge could ensure that the correct Bitcoin Opcode is used in transactions, namely 106 - OP_RETURN.
ACKNOWLEDGED: The RuneMine team acknowledged the issue.
Halborn strongly recommends conducting a follow-up assessment of the project either within six months or immediately following any material changes to the codebase, whichever comes first. This approach is crucial for maintaining the project’s integrity and addressing potential vulnerabilities introduced by code modifications.
// Download the full report
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