Halborn Logo


Contracts V1 - Lucid Labs

Prepared by:

Halborn Logo


Last Updated 12/12/2024

Date of Engagement by: October 7th, 2024 - November 8th, 2024


100% of all REPORTED Findings have been addressed

All findings












Table of Contents

1. Introduction

Lucid Labs engaged Halborn to conduct a security assessment on their smart contracts revisions beginning on October 7th, 2024 and ending on November 8th, 2024. The security assessment was scoped to the smart contracts provided to the Halborn team.

Commit hashes and further details can be found in the Scope section of this report.

2. Assessment Summary

The team at Halborn was provided 5 weeks for the engagement and assigned a full-time security engineer to evaluate the security of the smart contract.

The security engineer is a blockchain and smart-contract security expert with advanced penetration testing, smart-contract hacking, and deep knowledge of multiple blockchain protocols.

The purpose of this assessment is to:

    • Ensure that smart contract functions operate as intended.

    • Identify potential security issues with the smart contracts.

In summary, Halborn identified some improvements to reduce the likelihood and impact of risks, which were partially addressed by the Lucid Labs team. The main ones were the following: 

    • Implement a working mechanism about quadratic implementation and governor strategy.

    • Add access controls for asset controller.

    • Remove the division by zero probability.

    • Implement a check in burnAndBridgeMulti to ensure all provided adapter addresses are unique.

    • Create another FlexVotingClient to apply quadratic transformation to individual votes before aggregation.

    • Implement Alpha Finance's formula for pricing LP tokens.

3. Test Approach and Methodology

Halborn performed a combination of manual and automated security testing to balance efficiency, timeliness, practicality, and accuracy regarding the scope of this assessment. While manual testing is recommended to uncover flaws in logic, process, and implementation; automated testing techniques help enhance code coverage and quickly identify items that do not follow the security best practices. The following phases and associated tools were used during the assessment:

    • Research into architecture and purpose.

    • Smart contract manual code review and walkthrough.

    • Graphing out functionality and contract logic/connectivity/functions. (solgraph,draw.io)

    • Manual assessment of use and safety for the critical Solidity variables and functions in scope to identify any arithmetic related vulnerability classes.

    • Manual testing by custom scripts.

    • Static Analysis of security for scoped contract, and imported functions. (Slither)

    • Testnet deployment. ( Hardhat,Foundry)


Every vulnerability and issue observed by Halborn is ranked based on two sets of Metrics and a Severity Coefficient. This system is inspired by the industry standard Common Vulnerability Scoring System.
The two Metric sets are: Exploitability and Impact. Exploitability captures the ease and technical means by which vulnerabilities can be exploited and Impact describes the consequences of a successful exploit.
The Severity Coefficients is designed to further refine the accuracy of the ranking with two factors: Reversibility and Scope. These capture the impact of the vulnerability on the environment as well as the number of users and smart contracts affected.
The final score is a value between 0-10 rounded up to 1 decimal place and 10 corresponding to the highest security risk. This provides an objective and accurate rating of the severity of security vulnerabilities in smart contracts.
The system is designed to assist in identifying and prioritizing vulnerabilities based on their level of risk to address the most critical issues in a timely manner.


Attack Origin (AO):
Captures whether the attack requires compromising a specific account.
Attack Cost (AC):
Captures the cost of exploiting the vulnerability incurred by the attacker relative to sending a single transaction on the relevant blockchain. Includes but is not limited to financial and computational cost.
Attack Complexity (AX):
Describes the conditions beyond the attacker’s control that must exist in order to exploit the vulnerability. Includes but is not limited to macro situation, available third-party liquidity and regulatory challenges.
Attack Origin (AO)Arbitrary (AO:A)
Specific (AO:S)
Attack Cost (AC)Low (AC:L)
Medium (AC:M)
High (AC:H)
Attack Complexity (AX)Low (AX:L)
Medium (AX:M)
High (AX:H)
Exploitability EE is calculated using the following formula:

E=meE = \prod m_e


Confidentiality (C):
Measures the impact to the confidentiality of the information resources managed by the contract due to a successfully exploited vulnerability. Confidentiality refers to limiting access to authorized users only.
Integrity (I):
Measures the impact to integrity of a successfully exploited vulnerability. Integrity refers to the trustworthiness and veracity of data stored and/or processed on-chain. Integrity impact directly affecting Deposit or Yield records is excluded.
Availability (A):
Measures the impact to the availability of the impacted component resulting from a successfully exploited vulnerability. This metric refers to smart contract features and functionality, not state. Availability impact directly affecting Deposit or Yield is excluded.
Deposit (D):
Measures the impact to the deposits made to the contract by either users or owners.
Yield (Y):
Measures the impact to the yield generated by the contract for either users or owners.
Confidentiality (C)None (I:N)
Low (I:L)
Medium (I:M)
High (I:H)
Critical (I:C)
Integrity (I)None (I:N)
Low (I:L)
Medium (I:M)
High (I:H)
Critical (I:C)
Availability (A)None (A:N)
Low (A:L)
Medium (A:M)
High (A:H)
Critical (A:C)
Deposit (D)None (D:N)
Low (D:L)
Medium (D:M)
High (D:H)
Critical (D:C)
Yield (Y)None (Y:N)
Low (Y:L)
Medium (Y:M)
High (Y:H)
Critical (Y:C)
Impact II is calculated using the following formula:

I=max(mI)+mImax(mI)4I = max(m_I) + \frac{\sum{m_I} - max(m_I)}{4}


Reversibility (R):
Describes the share of the exploited vulnerability effects that can be reversed. For upgradeable contracts, assume the contract private key is available.
Scope (S):
Captures whether a vulnerability in one vulnerable contract impacts resources in other contracts.
Reversibility (rr)None (R:N)
Partial (R:P)
Full (R:F)
Scope (ss)Changed (S:C)
Unchanged (S:U)
Severity Coefficient CC is obtained by the following product:

C=rsC = rs

The Vulnerability Severity Score SS is obtained by:

S=min(10,EIC10)S = min(10, EIC * 10)

The score is rounded up to 1 decimal places.
SeverityScore Value Range
Critical9 - 10
High7 - 8.9
Medium4.5 - 6.9
Low2 - 4.4
Informational0 - 1.9


Files and Repository
(a) Repository: demos-contracts-v1
(b) Assessed Commit ID: 74b6f30
(c) Items in scope:
  • create3/libs/Bytes32AddressLib.sol
  • create3/Create3Factory.sol
  • create3/libs/CREATE3.sol
↓ Expand ↓
Out-of-Scope: Third party dependencies and economic attacks.
Files and Repository
(a) Repository: lucid-contracts
(b) Assessed Commit ID: ae25f87
(c) Items in scope:
  • contracts/tokens/ERC20/interfaces/IXERC20.sol
  • contracts/tokens/ERC20/interfaces/IXERC20Lockbox.sol
  • contracts/tokens/ERC20/XERC20Lockbox.sol
↓ Expand ↓
Out-of-Scope: Third Party dependencies., Economic Attacks.
Remediation Commit ID:
Out-of-Scope: New features/implementations after the remediation commit IDs.

6. Assessment Summary & Findings Overview











Security analysisRisk levelRemediation Date
Quadratic Voting Strategy Incompatible with Quorum Calculation in LucidGovernorCriticalSolved - 12/03/2024
Lack of Access Control in receiveMessage in AssetController ContractCriticalSolved - 10/23/2024
Division by Zero in Quadratic Vote Weight CalculationCriticalSolved - 11/29/2024
Bypass of Bridge Limits in burnAndBridgeMulti FunctionHighSolved - 10/23/2024
Mathematical Incompatibility Between FlexVotingClient and QuadraticVoteStrategyHighSolved - 12/05/2024
LP Token Price Manipulation Through ReserveHighSolved - 12/06/2024
Front-Running Vulnerability in Two-Step Deployment and Configuration ProcessMediumSolved - 11/05/2024
Unhandled Exceptions in CCIP Message Processing Can Lead to Cross-Chain Communication FailureMediumRisk Accepted - 11/10/2024
UniswapV3 Oracle Vulnerability on L2 Networks Due to Sequencer DowntimeMediumSolved - 10/29/2024
Excess Fees Retention in AssetControllerMediumSolved - 10/23/2024
Missing Sequencer Uptime Check in BondChainlinkOracle for L2 DeploymentsMediumSolved - 10/24/2024
Uninitialized EIP712 Functionality in VotingControllerUpgradeable __EIP712_initMediumSolved - 10/30/2024
Incorrect Gas Refund Calculation Due To EIP-150 Rule In Voting FunctionsLowSolved - 12/05/2024
Improper Initialization of Timelock Delay in receiveMessage FunctionLowSolved - 11/21/2024
Unsafe EIP712 Message Hashing in Cross-Chain Voting MechanismLowSolved - 11/21/2024
CREATE3 Factory Is Not Compatible With ZKSYNC EraLowRisk Accepted - 11/24/2024
Failed ETH Transfers Not Handled in RefundGas FunctionLowSolved - 10/30/2024
Useless Token Execution Functions Present in AxelarExecutable ContractInformationalSolved - 11/20/2024
Unlocked Pragma CompilerInformationalSolved - 11/22/2024
Useless Interface Import in WormholeAdapter ContractInformationalSolved - 11/20/2024
Suboptimal Memory Usage in BondChainlinkOracle._getTwoFeedPrice FunctionInformationalSolved - 12/05/2024
Missing Zero Amount Check in Cross-Chain Bridge FunctionsInformationalSolved - 11/20/2024
Inconsistent Amount Handling After Fee Deduction in Multi-Bridge TransferInformationalSolved - 11/21/2024
Inefficient Storage Access Pattern in Message Reception HandlingInformationalSolved - 11/21/2024
Missing Duration Validation Enables Zero Division in Base Asset BridgeInformationalSolved - 11/21/2024
Insufficient Delegation Control in Connext Cross-Chain TransfersInformationalSolved - 11/22/2024
Gas Inefficient Role Check ImplementationInformationalSolved - 11/21/2024
Owner Can Renounce OwnershipInformationalAcknowledged - 11/20/2024

7. Findings & Tech Details

7.1 Quadratic Voting Strategy Incompatible with Quorum Calculation in LucidGovernor

// Critical


The LucidGovernor and LucidGovernorTimelock contracts are designed to work with different voting strategies, including QuadraticVoteStrategy and QuadraticGitcoinPassportStrategy. However, these quadratic voting strategies are incompatible with the current quorum calculation method.

The quorum is calculated in the GovernorVotesQuorumFractionUpgradeable contract, which is inherited by LucidGovernor:

function quorum(uint256 timepoint) public view virtual override returns (uint256) {
    return (token.getPastTotalSupply(timepoint) * quorumNumerator(timepoint)) / quorumDenominator();

This calculation uses the total token supply, which does not account for the quadratic nature of the voting power. As a result, it is impossible to reach the quorum when using quadratic voting strategies, even if all token holders vote with their full voting power.

For example :

  • Total Supply: 1,000,000 tokens

  • Quorum: 50% = 500,000 tokens

  • Using quadratic voting with no threshold:

    • Maximum voting power = √1,000,000 = 1,000

    • Even with 100% participation, maximum voting power (1,000) < quorum (500,000)

This means that even if all token holders vote, the total voting power will always be less than the required quorum, making it impossible to pass any proposal.

The incompatibility between the quadratic voting strategies and the quorum calculation renders the governance system non-functional when using these strategies. No proposals can pass, effectively breaking the entire governance mechanism and preventing any decision-making through the LucidGovernor contract.

Proof of Concept

This test can be found in HalbornLucidGovernor.test.ts :

describe("Halborn_QuadraticPOC", () => {
        beforeEach(async () => {
            await helpers.time.increase(50);

            // Make a new proposal
            let propId = await governor.propose([ethers.constants.AddressZero], [0], [0x0], "Test Proposal");
            // Get proposal id of created proposal
            proposalId = (
                await governor.hashProposal(
            await helpers.time.increase(50);

            // Get proposal snapshot, it is needed to relay the vote
            proposalSnapshot = await governor.proposalSnapshot(proposalId);
        it("[!][-][!] Cannot pass quorum even if all voters voted with all power", async () => {        
            await governor.connect(user1Signer).castVote(proposalId,1);
            await governor.connect(user2Signer).castVote(proposalId,1);
            await governor.connect(user3Signer).castVote(proposalId,1);
            await governor.connect(ownerSigner).castVote(proposalId,1);
            const proposalVotes = await governor.proposalVotes(proposalId);
            console.log("[Set-Up]\n\tTotalSupply = 40e18\n\tUser1,User2,User3,Owner have 10e18 tokens\n\t\t=> They all vote for proposalId with their 10e18 votes\n")
            console.log("[End Of Set-up]\n");
            // array includes against, for, abstain
            console.log("Number of votes for proposal        = %s",proposalVotes[1]);

            let latest =  await helpers.time.latest();
            console.log("token.getPastTotalSupply(timepoint) = %s",await nativeToken.getPastTotalSupply(latest-1));
            const quorumToReach = await governor.quorum(latest-1);
            console.log("Quorum To Reach                     = %s",quorumToReach);
            await helpers.time.increase(86400);
            console.log("State of proposal after deadline    = %s",await governor.state(proposalId));
            console.log("                                  3 = Defeated");

Result :


To address this issue, it is recommended to implement a custom quorum calculation method that is compatible with quadratic voting strategies. This can be achieved by overriding the quorum function in the LucidGovernor/Timelock contract to use a quadratic calculation in case this strategy is used.

One idea could be to add a boolean isStrategyQuadratic variable and use the quorumQuadratic function with an if statement to compute the quorum to be reached regarding the strategy.


SOLVED: The Lucid Labs team implemented 2 strategies deployments paths with 2 quorums computation paths, which solved the issue.

Remediation Hash

7.2 Lack of Access Control in receiveMessage in AssetController Contract

// Critical


The AssetController.sol contract contains a critical vulnerability in its receiveMessage function. This function lacks proper sender validation, allowing any external actor to call it directly when transfer.threshold != 1. The vulnerable code is located in the receiveMessage function:

function receiveMessage(bytes calldata receivedMsg, uint256 originChain, address originSender) public override nonReentrant {
    // Origin sender must be a controller on another chain
    if (getControllerForChain(originChain) != originSender) revert Controller_Invalid_Params();

    // Decode message
    Transfer memory transfer = abi.decode(receivedMsg, (Transfer));

    ReceivedTransfer storage receivedTransfer = receivedTransfers[transfer.transferId];

    if (transfer.threshold == 1) {
            // This part is OK because if msg.sender is arbitrary there is no limit
            _useMinterLimits(msg.sender, transfer.amount);
    } else {
            // Here the check about msg.sender is not made and not limit is decreased 

            ReceivedTransfer storage receivedTransfer = receivedTransfers[transfer.transferId];
            // Multi-bridge transfer
            if (receivedTransfer.receivedSoFar == 0) {
                receivedTransfer.recipient = transfer.recipient;
                receivedTransfer.amount = transfer.amount;
                receivedTransfer.unwrap = transfer.unwrap;
                receivedTransfer.receivedSoFar = 1;
                receivedTransfer.threshold = transfer.threshold;
                receivedTransfer.originChainId = originChain;
                receivedTransfer.executed = false;
            } else {
            // Check if the transfer can be executed
            if (receivedTransfer.receivedSoFar >= receivedTransfer.threshold) {
                emit TransferExecutable(transfer.transferId);

The function fails to verify the caller's identity (msg.sender) in a Multi-bridge transfer process, allowing any address to invoke it, send the same TX enough time to pass the threshold and create or modify transfer records when only allowed adapters should be able to call this part.

The exploit allows bypassing of intended authorization checks and leads to unauthorized token minting, theft of funds, or disruption of the entire cross-chain transfer system.

Proof of Concept

This test can be added to AssetControler.test.ts :

describe("Halborn_burnAndBridge", () => {
        let attackerSigner: SignerWithAddress;
        beforeEach(async () => {
            [attackerSigner] = await ethers.getSigners();
            // await helpers.time.increase(2000);
            relayerFee = ethers.utils.parseEther("0.001");
            amountToBridge = ethers.utils.parseEther("4000");
            // Approval needs to be given because controller will burn the tokens
            await sourceToken.connect(ownerSigner).approve(sourceController.address, amountToBridge);

        it("Attacker can directly call receiveMessage and create a fake transfer", async () => {
            const fakeTransferId = ethers.utils.keccak256(ethers.utils.toUtf8Bytes("fake_transfer"));
            const fakeAmount = ethers.utils.parseEther("1000");
            const fakeOriginChain = 100; // A chain ID that doesn't exist in our setup
            const fakeOriginSender = sourceController.address;
            struct Transfer {
                address recipient;
                uint256 amount;
                bool unwrap;
                uint256 threshold;
                bytes32 transferId;
            // Create a fake transfer message
            const fakeTransfer = {
                recipient: attackerSigner.address,
                amount: fakeAmount,
                unwrap: false,
                threshold: 2,// Set to 1 to make it immediately executable
                transferId: fakeTransferId
            // Encode the fake transfer
            const encodedTransfer = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(
                ["tuple(address recipient, uint256 amount, bool unwrap, uint256 threshold, bytes32 transferId)"],
            // Call receiveMessage directly from the attacker
            await sourceController.connect(attackerSigner).receiveMessage(
            await sourceController.connect(attackerSigner).receiveMessage(
            // Check if the transfer was created and is executable
            const transferDetails = await sourceController.receivedTransfers(fakeTransferId);
            // Verify that the TransferExecutable event was emitted
            await expect(sourceController.connect(attackerSigner).receiveMessage(
            )).to.emit(sourceController, "TransferExecutable").withArgs(fakeTransferId);

            await sourceController.connect(attackerSigner).execute(fakeTransferId);

Result :


To address this vulnerability, implement strict sender validation at the beginning of the receiveMessage function in AssetController.sol as it is done in other controllers :

function receiveMessage(bytes calldata receivedMsg, uint256 originChain, address originSender) public override nonReentrant {
    if (!isSenderApproved(msg.sender)) revert Controller_Unauthorised();

    // Existing function logic...

It is also recommended to ensure receivedTransfer.threshold > 0.


SOLVED: The Lucid Labs team implemented a msg.sender check.

Remediation Hash

7.3 Division by Zero in Quadratic Vote Weight Calculation

// Critical


The QuadraticGitcoinPassportStrategy contract contains a critical division by zero vulnerability in its vote weight calculation logic. The issue occurs in the proportional match rate calculation for Gitcoin Passport scores:

    function _applyScore(address account, uint256 votes) internal view returns (uint256 total) {
        uint256 score = _getPassportScore(account);
        if (score < scoreAmplifiers[0]) {
            // ... // 
        } else if (score < scoreAmplifiers[1]) {
            // Proportional match between user-defined scoreRanges[1] and scoreRanges[2] for scores between scoreAmplifiers[0] and scoreAmplifiers[1]
            uint256 matchRate = scoreRanges[1] +
                ((score - scoreAmplifiers[0]) * (scoreRanges[2] - scoreRanges[1])) /
                (scoreAmplifiers[1] - scoreAmplifiers[1]); //E @AUDIT division by 0
            total = votes + (votes * matchRate) / 100;
        } else {
            // .. // 
        return total;

The denominator (scoreAmplifiers[1] - scoreAmplifiers[1]) performs subtraction of the same value from itself, resulting in zero. When this code path is executed for scores that fall between scoreAmplifiers[0] and scoreAmplifiers[1], the transaction reverts due to division by zero and the voter cannot cast votes.

Impact :

  1. The vote calculation function reverts for all Gitcoin Passport scores between scoreAmplifiers[0] and scoreAmplifiers[1]

  2. The voting power adjustment is non-functional for affected score ranges

  3. Participants with scores in this range are unable to cast votes

  4. The quadratic voting mechanism is broken for a significant portion of the scoring range

Proof of Concept

This test can be find in QuadraticGitcoinPassportPOC (IGitcoinPassportDecoder Mocked to return a value to trigger division by 0)

describe("Halborn_QuadraticGitcoinPassportPOC", () => {
        beforeEach(async () => {
            await helpers.time.increase(50);
            // Make a new proposal
            let propId = await governor.propose([ethers.constants.AddressZero], [0], [0x0], "Test Proposal");
            // Get proposal id of created proposal
            proposalId = (
                await governor.hashProposal([ethers.constants.AddressZero],[0],[0x0],"0xeac4b25d9db71364cb2a2812dbc47eed8e23f9ffc223b07b7ed2dcef7d02d9bc")
            await helpers.time.increase(50);

            // Get proposal snapshot, it is needed to relay the vote
            proposalSnapshot = await governor.proposalSnapshot(proposalId);
        it("[!][-][!] Division By 0", async () => {                      
            await governor.connect(user1Signer).castVote(proposalId,1);

Result :


It is recommended to replace the current implementation with the correct linear interpolation formula :

uint256 matchRate = scoreRanges[1] +
    ((score - scoreAmplifiers[0]) * (scoreRanges[2] - scoreRanges[1])) /
    (scoreAmplifiers[1] - scoreAmplifiers[0]);

SOLVED: The Lucid Labs team modified the division by 0 and added some checks on the constructor.

Remediation Hash

7.4 Bypass of Bridge Limits in burnAndBridgeMulti Function

// High


The AssetController contract, in the burnAndBridgeMulti function, allows users to bypass individual bridge limits. The function does not verify the uniqueness of the provided adapter addresses, enabling users to submit duplicate addresses and bypass the multi-bridge limit system.

function burnAndBridgeMulti(
    address recipient,
    uint256 amount,
    bool unwrap,
    uint256 destChainId,
    address[] memory adapters, //E @AUDIT dupplicates not checked
    uint256[] memory fees
) public payable nonReentrant whenNotPaused {
// ... [other code]

    uint256 _currentLimit = burningCurrentLimitOf(address(0));
    if (_currentLimit < amount) revert IXERC20_NotHighEnoughLimits();
    _useBurnerLimits(address(0), amount);

// ... [other code]

    _relayTransfer(transfer, destChainId, adapters, fees);

The function uses a separate limit check for multi-bridge transfers (burningCurrentLimitOf(address(0))), which can be exploited to bypass individual bridge limits because there is no verification that the adapters in the adapters array passed as argument to burnAndBridgeMulti (address[] memory adapters) are unique.

This vulnerability allows users to exceed the intended limits for individual bridges. An attacker can first use the burnAndBridge function to reach the limit of a single bridge, then use burnAndBridgeMulti with an array containing only the same bridge address multiple times. This bypasses the individual bridge limit and utilizes the multi-bridge limit (address(0)) for the same bridge.

Proof of Concept

This test can be found in AssetController.test.ts :

describe("Halborn_burnAndBridge", () => {
        beforeEach(async () => {
            // await helpers.time.increase(2000);
            relayerFee = ethers.utils.parseEther("0.001");
            amountToBridge = ethers.utils.parseEther("4000");
            // Approval needs to be given because controller will burn the tokens
            await sourceToken.connect(ownerSigner).approve(sourceController.address, amountToBridge);
        /*it("Burn and bridge with address(0) as adapter", async () => {
            //await sourceController.setLimits(ethers.constants.AddressZero, ethers.utils.parseEther("1000"), ethers.utils.parseEther("1000"));
            //await destController.setLimits(ethers.constants.AddressZero, ethers.utils.parseEther("1000"), ethers.utils.parseEther("1000"));
            //const tx = await sourceController.burnAndBridge(user1Signer.address, amountToBridge, false, 100, ethers.constants.AddressZero, {
            //    value: relayerFee,
            await expect(sourceController.burnAndBridge(user1Signer.address, amountToBridge, false, 100, ethers.constants.AddressZero, {
                value: relayerFee,
        it("Bypass Limits by sending same adapters in array", async () => {
            // await sourceController.setLimits(ethers.constants.AddressZero, ethers.utils.parseEther("1000"), ethers.utils.parseEther("1000"));
            // await destController.setLimits(ethers.constants.AddressZero, ethers.utils.parseEther("1000"), ethers.utils.parseEther("1000"));
            // await sourceController.setLimits(sourceBridgeAdapter.address, ethers.utils.parseEther("1000"), ethers.utils.parseEther("1000"));
            // await destController.setLimits(destBridgeAdapter.address, ethers.utils.parseEther("1000"), ethers.utils.parseEther("1000"));
            // can go until 2000 for one bridge
            console.log("[-] burnAndBridge is used until sourceBridgeAdapter => 1000");
            const tx = await sourceController.burnAndBridge(user1Signer.address,ethers.utils.parseEther("1000"), false, 100, sourceBridgeAdapter.address, {
                value: relayerFee,
            await expect(tx).to.emit(sourceController, "TransferCreated");
            // Bypass Limits => Revert
            await expect(sourceController.burnAndBridge(user1Signer.address,ethers.utils.parseEther("1"), false, 100, sourceBridgeAdapter.address, {
                value: relayerFee,
            })).to.be.revertedWithCustomError(sourceController, "IXERC20_NotHighEnoughLimits");

            // Use burnAndBridgeMulti with same adapter
            console.log("[-] burnAndBridgeMulti is used to bypass limit of sourceBridgeAdapter => 2000");
            const tx2 = await sourceController.burnAndBridgeMulti(
                [sourceBridgeAdapter.address, sourceBridgeAdapter.address],
                [relayerFee, relayerFee],
                    value: relayerFee.mul(2),
            await expect(tx2).to.emit(sourceController, "TransferCreated");

            await expect(sourceController.burnAndBridgeMulti(
                ethers.utils.parseEther("6"), //E fees not burned so 1 would not revert
                [sourceBridgeAdapter.address, sourceBridgeAdapter.address],
                [relayerFee, relayerFee],
                    value: relayerFee.mul(2),
            )).to.be.revertedWithCustomError(sourceController, "IXERC20_NotHighEnoughLimits");
            console.log("[OK] Bypass worked");

Result : 2X the limit of a single Bridge can be used


It is recommended to implement a check in burnAndBridgeMulti to ensure all provided adapter addresses are unique :

function checkUniqueness(address[] memory adapters) internal pure returns (bool) {
    uint256 length = adapters.length;
    for (uint256 i = 0; i < length - 1; i++) {
        for (uint256 j = i + 1; j < length; j++) {
            if (adapters[i] == adapters[j]) {
                return false;
    return true;

SOLVED: A new function checkUniqueness() has been added to check for adapters uniqueness.

Remediation Hash

7.5 Mathematical Incompatibility Between FlexVotingClient and QuadraticVoteStrategy

// High


An incompatibility has been discovered when FlexVotingClient contract is used with a quadratic Strategy for votes because FlexVotingClient contract computes voting weights linearly while the totalWeight limit for vote casting is transformed quadratically, creating a fundamental mathematical conflict that leads to transaction reverts.

The conflict occurs between these two computations:

uint128 _forVotesToCast = SafeCast.toUint128(
    (_votingWeightAtSnapshot * _proposalVote.forVotes) / _totalRawBalanceAtSnapshot
// getVotes() :
_applyStrategy(account, token.getPastVotes(account, timepoint))

// _applyStrategy() : 
uint256 weightSqrt = Math.sqrt((weight - quadraticThreshold) / 10 ** thresholdDecimals);
totalWeight = weightSqrt * 10 ** thresholdDecimals + quadraticThreshold;

And the system enforces this check in GovernorCrossCountingFractional.sol:

if (_newWeight > totalWeight) {
    revert GovernorCrossCountingFractionalUpgradeable_VoteWeightWouldExceedWeight();

The problem is that vote casted (represented by _newWeight) from FlexVotingClient to Governor are not squared while total power of FlexVotingClient (represented by token.getPastVotes(FlexVotingClient.sol, timepoint) ) is squared when strategy is applied so 2 critical scenarios are possibles here :

  1. Early users can express their votes until the weight of casted votes from FlexVotingClient to Governor are superior to sqrt(token.getPastVotes(FlexVotingClient.sol, timepoint)) and then "late" users can no longer express their votes

  2. First user expressing votes has more vote power than sqrt(token.getPastVotes(FlexVotingClient.sol, timepoint)) and FlexVotingClient is DOSed from casting votes for the proposal

Simple Example explaining scenario 2 , given :

  • Raw Balance = 10,000 tokens

  • Number of Voters = 90

  • Individual Vote = 111 tokens

Results in:

  1. totalWeight = sqrt(10,000) = 100

  2. Linear vote calculation of a user votes : 111

  3. Check fails: 111 > 100 => DOSed

The system is completely non-functional. All vote casting transactions from FlexVotingClient will revert due to exceeding the quadratically reduced totalWeight limit. This breaks the core voting functionality of the protocol.

Proof of Concept

This test can be find in TokenFlexVotingQuadratic.test.ts :

it("Should cast the vote with Quadratic Strategy", async () => {

            await vesting.connect(user1Signer).expressVote(governor.address, proposalId, 0);

            await helpers.time.increase(1);

            await vesting.castVote(governor.address, proposalId);

            expect(await governor.hasVoted(proposalId, vesting.address)).to.equal(true);

            const votes = await governor.proposalVotes(proposalId);

Result :


It is recommended to create another FlexVotingClient to apply quadratic transformation to individual votes before aggregation:

mapping(address => uint256) private quadraticBalances;

function _updateQuadraticBalance(address user) internal {
    uint256 rawBalance = _rawBalanceOf(user);
    quadraticBalances[user] = sqrt(rawBalance);

function _getVotesToCast(uint256 rawVotes, uint256 totalRawBalance) internal pure returns (uint256) {
    uint256 individualWeight = sqrt(rawVotes);
    return (individualWeight * totalWeight) / sqrt(totalRawBalance);

Another options would be to modify castVoteWithReasonAndParams() when a quadratic strategy is used in the governor.


SOLVED: The Lucid Labs team decided to never deploy a FlexVotingClient with a quadratic strategy, a note has been added to the FlexVotingClient contract.

Remediation Hash

7.6 LP Token Price Manipulation Through Reserve

// High


The BondSteerOracle contract implements a flawed methodology for calculating the price of Steer Protocol LP tokens. The _currentPrice function uses spot reserves to determine the LP token value, which is susceptible to manipulation:

function _currentPrice(ERC20 quoteToken_, ERC20 payoutToken_) internal view override returns (uint256) {
    SteerParams memory params = priceFeedParams[quoteToken_][payoutToken_];
    (uint256 reserve0, uint256 reserve1) = params.steerVault.getTotalAmounts();
    uint256 totalSupply = params.steerVault.totalSupply();

    uint256 lpPrice;
    if (params.priceInToken0) {
        lpPrice = (reserve0 * 2 * PRECISION) / (totalSupply * (10 ** params.token0Decimals));
    } else {
        lpPrice = (reserve1 * 2 * PRECISION) / (totalSupply * (10 ** params.token1Decimals));
    return PRECISION / lpPrice;

This implementation is vulnerable because:

  1. It relies on spot reserves (getTotalAmounts()), which are easily manipulable through large trades or flash loans.

  2. The calculation does not account for potential imbalances in the pool or market conditions.

  3. There are no safeguards against extreme price movements or manipulation attempts.

Proof of Concept

This test can be found in BondFixedTermSteerOFDA.test.ts (with a modified MockSteerPool) :

it("should demonstrate price manipulation through reserve changes", async () => {
        // Configure oracle
        const encodedSteerConfig = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(
            ["tuple(address, bool)"], 
            [[steerToken.address, false]]
        await oracle.setPair(steerToken.address, payoutToken.address, true, encodedSteerConfig);

        // Get initial LP token price
        const initialPrice = await oracle["currentPrice(address,address)"](steerToken.address, payoutToken.address);
        console.log("Initial LP token price:", initialPrice.toString());

        // Attacker manipulates reserves by adding large amount of liquidity with imbalanced reserves
        // This creates a price discrepancy
        await steerToken.setToken0Amount(ethers.utils.parseEther("10000")); // Large amount of token0
        await steerToken.setToken1Amount(ethers.utils.parseEther("100")); // Keep token1 small
        await steerToken._setTotalSupply(ethers.utils.parseEther("1000")); // Increase total supply proportionally

        // Get manipulated price
        const manipulatedPrice = await oracle["currentPrice(address,address)"](steerToken.address, payoutToken.address);
        console.log("Manipulated LP token price:", manipulatedPrice.toString());

        // Create bond market with manipulated price
        const encodedParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(
            ["tuple(address, address, address, address, uint48, uint48, bool, uint256, uint48, uint48, uint48, uint48)"],
                    "20000", // baseDiscount
                    "50000", // maxDiscountFromCurrent 
                    false,   // capacityInQuote
                    ethers.utils.parseEther("10000"), // capacity
                    "360000", // depositInterval
                    "0", // start

        await auctioner.createMarket(encodedParams);
        const bondMarketPrice = await auctioner.marketPrice(0);
        console.log("Bond market price:", bondMarketPrice.toString());

        // Verify manipulation occurred

        // Attacker can now remove the extra liquidity
        await steerToken.setToken0Amount(ethers.utils.parseEther("100"));
        await steerToken.setToken1Amount(ethers.utils.parseEther("100"));
        await steerToken._setTotalSupply(ethers.utils.parseEther("100"));

        const finalPrice = await oracle["currentPrice(address,address)"](steerToken.address, payoutToken.address);
        console.log("Final LP token price:", finalPrice.toString());

        // Price should have been manipulated up and then back down
        // Calculate manipulation percentage
        const manipulationPercent = manipulatedPrice.sub(initialPrice).mul(100).div(initialPrice);
        console.log("Price manipulation percentage:", manipulationPercent.toString(), "%");

Here is the result :


It is recommended to implement Alpha Finance's formula for pricing LP tokens:

2 sqrt(p0 p1) * sqrt(k) / L


  • p0 and p1 are time-weighted average prices (TWAPs) of the underlying assets

  • k is the constant product invariant (k = r0 * r1)

  • L is the total supply of LP tokens

This approach calculates the LP token price based on TWAPs and the invariant k, rather than using manipulable spot reserves. It provides resistance against flash loan attacks and other forms of price manipulation.

Ref to CMichel Article


SOLVED: The Lucid Labs team implemented a lot of changes, including the recommended solution and an oracle implementation for the tokens prices of the LP Vault.

Remediation Hash

7.7 Front-Running Vulnerability in Two-Step Deployment and Configuration Process

// Medium


The current implementation of the AccessConfigurator, RefundGasUpgradeable, and TimelockUpgradeable contracts introduces a front-running vulnerability due to the separation of deployment and configuration into two distinct transactions.

The process occurs as follows:

function configureTimelock(IAccessControl timelock, address governor, address canceller) external {
        _configureTimelock(timelock, governor, canceller);
function configureRefundGas(IRefundGas refundGas, address governor) external {
        _configureRefundGas(refundGas, governor);
function configureTimelockRefundGas(IAccessControl timelock, IRefundGas refundGas, address governor, address canceller) external {
        _configureTimelock(timelock, governor, canceller);
        _configureRefundGas(refundGas, governor);
function _configureTimelock(IAccessControl timelock, address governor, address canceller) internal {
        timelock.grantRole(PROPOSER_ROLE, governor);
        timelock.grantRole(EXECUTOR_ROLE, address(0));
        timelock.grantRole(CANCELLER_ROLE, canceller);
        timelock.grantRole(TIMELOCK_ADMIN_ROLE, governor);
        timelock.revokeRole(TIMELOCK_ADMIN_ROLE, address(this));

    function _configureRefundGas(IRefundGas refundGas, address governor) internal {

  1. Contracts are deployed:

    const TimelockUpgradeable = await ethers.getContractFactory("TimelockUpgradeable");
    timelock = await upgrades.deployProxy(TimelockUpgradeable, ["5000", [], [], accessConfigurator.address], {
        initializer: "initialize",
    // Similar deployment for RefundGasUpgradeable

  2. Contracts are then configured in a separate transaction:

    await accessConfigurator.configureTimelockRefundGas(timelock.address, refundGas.address, governor.address, user1Signer.address);

This two-step process creates a time window between deployment and configuration where the contracts are in an undefined and potentially vulnerable state.

An attacker monitoring the mempool will identify the deployment transaction and can front-run the configuration transaction. This allows the attacker to:

  1. Gain unauthorized control over the Timelock contract by setting themselves as the proposer, executor, or admin.

  2. Manipulate the RefundGas contract by setting an arbitrary governor address.

  3. Potentially lock out the intended administrators or governors, requiring contract redeployment.


To mitigate this vulnerability, implement an atomic deployment and configuration process. This can be achieved through the following steps:

contract GovernanceSystemFactory {
    function deployAndConfigureSystem(
        address governor,
        address user1,
// Other necessary parameters
    ) external returns (address timelock, address refundGas) {
// Deploy contracts
        timelock = address(new TimelockUpgradeable());
        refundGas = address(new RefundGasUpgradeable());

// Configure contracts
        TimelockUpgradeable(timelock).initialize(5000, [], [], address(this));
        RefundGasUpgradeable(refundGas).initialize(governor, 2000000000, 36000, 200000, 200000000000, address(this));

// Set up roles and permissions
        TimelockUpgradeable(timelock).grantRole(TimelockUpgradeable(timelock).PROPOSER_ROLE(), governor);
        TimelockUpgradeable(timelock).grantRole(TimelockUpgradeable(timelock).EXECUTOR_ROLE(), address(0));
        TimelockUpgradeable(timelock).grantRole(TimelockUpgradeable(timelock).CANCELLER_ROLE(), user1);
        TimelockUpgradeable(timelock).grantRole(TimelockUpgradeable(timelock).TIMELOCK_ADMIN_ROLE(), governor);
        TimelockUpgradeable(timelock).revokeRole(TimelockUpgradeable(timelock).TIMELOCK_ADMIN_ROLE(), address(this));


        return (timelock, refundGas);

Use this factory to deploy and configure the system in one atomic transaction.


SOLVED: This contract has been removed from the repository, solving the issue.

Remediation Hash

7.8 Unhandled Exceptions in CCIP Message Processing Can Lead to Cross-Chain Communication Failure

// Medium


The CCIPAdapter contract in the LucidLabs protocol uses Chainlink's Cross-Chain Interoperability Protocol (CCIP) to facilitate cross-chain communication. However, the implementation fails to handle exceptions gracefully in the receiving contracts, specifically in VotingControllerUpgradeable and AssetController.

function _ccipReceive(Client.Any2EVMMessage memory any2EvmMessage) internal override {
    _registerMessage(bytes32ToAddress(_originSender), _callData, chainId);

This function calls registerMessage() on VotingControllerUpgradeable and AssetController, which can revert due to various reasons:

function castCrossChainVote(...) external {
    //E @AUDIT can revert because of state(proposalId) , timepoint is not the good
    if ((adapter != msg.sender) || (state(proposalId) != ProposalState.Active) || (proposalSnapshot(proposalId) != timepoint) || (chainTokens[chainId] != sourceToken))
        revert Governor_WrongParams();
// ...
    _countVote(proposalId, voter, support, votes, voteData, chainId);
// ...

function _countVote(
        uint256 proposalId,
        address account,
        uint8 support,
        uint256 totalWeight,
        bytes memory voteData, //E when called from LucidGovernor{Timelock} it is not implemented => _countVoteNominal is called
        uint256 chainId 
    ) internal virtual {
        if (totalWeight == 0) revert GovernorCrossCountingFractionalUpgradeable_NoWeight();

        if (_proposalVotersWeightCast[_getVoterKey(proposalId, account, chainId)] >= totalWeight) { revert("GovernorCountingFractional: all weight cast");}

        // ... // 
function receiveMessage(...) public override nonReentrant {
// ...
    uint256 _currentLimit = mintingCurrentLimitOf(msg.sender);
    if (_currentLimit < transfer.amount) revert IXERC20_NotHighEnoughLimits();
// ...

These unhandled exceptions can cause CCIP messages to fail, potentially triggering Chainlink's manual execution mode after the 8-hour Smart Execution window. This will block subsequent messages, leading to a Denial of Service in cross-chain communication until the failed message can be executed.

The unhandled exceptions in CCIP message processing result in a vulnerability that disrupts cross-chain operations. This issue leads to:

  1. Failure in updating cross-chain voting data, compromising the integrity of the governance system.

  2. Blockage of asset transfers between chains, affecting the core functionality of the protocol.

  3. Potential permanent DoS of the CCIP pathway until the blocked message can pass


It is recommended to implement proper exception handling in the receiving contracts or to handle messages received/execution in 2 ways.


RISK ACCEPTED: As the probability of this risk happening is low and even if the impact is high, the Lucid Labs team will leave the code as is, and will use the other adapters in case of this happening.


7.9 UniswapV3 Oracle Vulnerability on L2 Networks Due to Sequencer Downtime

// Medium


The BondUniV3Oracle contract relies on Uniswap V3's time-weighted average price (TWAP) mechanism, which is vulnerable to price manipulation on L2 networks during sequencer downtime. The vulnerability lies in the _validateAndGetPrice function:

function _validateAndGetPrice(
    address token_,
    IUniswapV3Pool pool_,
    uint32 observationWindowSeconds_,
    uint8 decimals_
) internal view returns (uint256) {
    (int24 timeWeightedTick, ) = OracleLibrary.consult(address(pool_), observationWindowSeconds_);
// ... (price calculation logic)

The OracleLibrary.consult() function assumes price continuity during periods of sequencer inactivity. When an L2 sequencer resumes operation after downtime, it incorrectly extrapolates the last known price across the inactive period. This leads to inaccurate TWAP calculations, as the oracle fails to account for real-world price movements during the downtime.

On Arbitrum, the vulnerability is exacerbated by the delayed inbox feature, which allows transaction forcing. An attacker can exploit this by submitting transactions that take advantage of the outdated price while the sequencer is offline, ensuring their inclusion when the network resumes.


To mitigate this vulnerability, it is recommended to implement the following measures:

  1. Prioritize the use of Chainlink oracles on L2 networks, as they are designed to handle sequencer downtime scenarios.

  2. If Uniswap V3 oracles must be used on L2s, implement additional safeguards:

    • Integrate Chainlink's Sequencer Uptime Feed to verify sequencer status.

    • Enforce a minimum uptime period (e.g., 1 hour) after sequencer recovery before accepting oracle data.

    • Ensure the sequencer has been operational for at least the duration of the TWAP observation window for each pool query.


SOLVED: Sequencer uptime is now checked in a new BondUniV3OracleL2 contract.

Remediation Hash

7.10 Excess Fees Retention in AssetController

// Medium


The AssetController contract does not refund excess fees sent by users when calling burnAndBridgeMulti or resendTransferMulti. The contract forwards only the specified fees to each adapter without verifying if msg.value == (computed values of fees) , potentially leaving unused and permanently blocked ETH in the contract.

function _relayTransfer(Transfer memory transfer, uint256 destChainId, address[] memory adapters, uint256[] memory fees) internal {
    if (adapters.length != fees.length) revert Controller_Invalid_Params();

    for (uint256 i = 0; i < adapters.length; i++) {
        //E @AUDIT fees relayed but no checks sum(fees)=msg.value
        IBaseAdapter(adapters[i]).relayMessage{value: fees[i]}(destChainId, getControllerForChain(destChainId), msg.sender, abi.encode(transfer));
        emit TransferRelayed(transfer.transferId, adapters[i]);

The function forwards only the specified fees[i] to each adapter, but it does not check if the total fees match the msg.value sent with the transaction. Any excess ETH remains in the contract.


It is recommended to implement a check to ensure the total fees match the sent ETH or implement a check to refund excess ETH.

function _relayTransfer(Transfer memory transfer, uint256 destChainId, address[] memory adapters, uint256[] memory fees) internal {
    if (adapters.length != fees.length) revert Controller_Invalid_Params();

    uint256 totalFees = 0;
    for (uint256 i = 0; i < fees.length; i++) {
        totalFees += fees[i];
    require(msg.value == totalFees, "Incorrect ETH amount sent");

    for (uint256 i = 0; i < adapters.length; i++) {
         // ... existing code ...

SOLVED: The Lucid Labs team added a check at the end of the relay transfer function to check for the sum of the fees.

Remediation Hash

7.11 Missing Sequencer Uptime Check in BondChainlinkOracle for L2 Deployments

// Medium


The BondChainlinkOracle.sol contract fails to implement a check for the sequencer status on Layer 2 networks (Arbitrum, Optimism, Linea). Specifically, in the _validateAndGetPrice function:

function _validateAndGetPrice(AggregatorV2V3Interface feed_, uint48 updateThreshold_) internal view returns (uint256) {
    (uint80 roundId, int256 priceInt, , uint256 updatedAt, uint80 answeredInRound) = feed_.latestRoundData();

    if (priceInt <= 0 || updatedAt < block.timestamp - uint256(updateThreshold_) || answeredInRound != roundId)
        revert BondOracle_BadFeed(address(feed_));
    return uint256(priceInt);

This function lacks a crucial check to ensure the L2 sequencer is active before using the price data. Without this check, the contract will continue to use potentially stale price data when the sequencer is down, leading to inaccurate pricing in the protocol.


It is recommended to implement a sequencer uptime check in the BondChainlinkOracle contract for L2 deployments by adding a function to verify the sequencer status and integrate it into the _validateAndGetPrice function.


SOLVED: Sequencer uptime is now checked in a new BondChainlinkOracleL2 contract.

Remediation Hash

7.12 Uninitialized EIP712 Functionality in VotingControllerUpgradeable __EIP712_init

// Medium


The VotingControllerUpgradeable contract inherits from EIP712Upgradeable but fails to call its initializer function during its own initialization. Specifically, the __EIP712_init() function is not invoked in the initialize function of VotingControllerUpgradeable. This results in uninitialized EIP712 state variables.

The current implementation of the initialize function in VotingControllerUpgradeable:

function initialize(
    address[] memory controllers,
    uint256[] memory chains,
    address _localRegistry,
    address _owner
) public initializer {
// Missing: __EIP712_init() call

// ... rest of initialization logic ...

Impact: The lack of proper EIP712 initialization leads to the following issues:

  1. The HASHEDNAME and HASHEDVERSION state variables in the EIP712Upgradeable contract remain uninitialized. This variable is used in the castVoteBySig & castVoteWithReasonAndParamsBySig functions.

  2. The contract fails to comply with the EIP712 standard, potentially breaking integrations or front-end applications that expect proper EIP712 implementation.

  3. Inconsistency is introduced in the protocol, as other similar contracts correctly initialize their EIP712 functionality.


It is recommended to modify the initialize function of VotingControllerUpgradeable to include the EIP712 initialization:

function initialize(
    address[] memory controllers,
    uint256[] memory chains,
    address _localRegistry,
    address _owner
) public initializer {
    __EIP712_init("VotingController", "1");// Add this line

    // ... rest of initialization logic ...

SOLVED: __EIP712_init is now initialized.

Remediation Hash

7.13 Incorrect Gas Refund Calculation Due To EIP-150 Rule In Voting Functions

// Low


The gas refund calculation in LucidGovernor.sol and LucidGovernorTimelock.sol is incorrect due to improper handling of EIP-150's 63/64 rule. The startGas measurement is taken before making an external call to the refund function, resulting in inaccurate gas calculations.

In LucidGovernor.sol:

function castVote(uint256 proposalId, uint8 support) public override returns (uint256) {
    uint256 startGas = gasleft(); // @audit - measured before external call
    address voter = _msgSender();
    uint res = super._castVote(proposalId, voter, support, "");
    if (refundGas != address(0)) {
        IRefundGasUpgradeable(refundGas).refundGas(payable(voter), startGas);// @audit - external call affected by EIP-150
    return res;

In RefundGasUpgradeable.sol:

function refundGas(address payable voter, uint256 startGas) public {
    if (msg.sender != governor) revert RefundGas_NotGovernor();
    unchecked {
        uint256 gasUsed = startGas - gasleft();// @audit - incorrect calculation due to EIP-150
        uint256 gasPrice = MathUpgradeable.min(tx.gasprice, basefee + maxRefundPriorityFee);
        uint256 refundAmount = MathUpgradeable.min(gasPrice * gasUsed, balance);
        (bool refundSent, ) = voter.call{value: refundAmount}("");

The issue stems from EIP-150's requirement that external calls only receive 63/64ths of the remaining gas. When refundGas() calculates startGas - gasleft(), the startGas value is higher (overstated by 1/64) than what was actually available in the function due to the 63/64 rule, resulting in an inflated gas usage calculation (and user receives less than what user should get back).


  1. Users receive systematically lower gas refunds than they should for every vote cast

  2. The loss for each transaction is approximately 1/64th of the gas costs

  3. The cumulative impact is significant, given this is a governance system with expected high participation


It is recommended to account for the 63/64 rule in the calculation :

function refundGas(address payable voter, uint256 startGas) public {
    unchecked {
        uint256 adjustedStartGas = (startGas * 63) / 64;
        uint256 gasUsed = adjustedStartGas - gasleft();
        // rest of the function .. //

SOLVED: The Lucid Labs team implemented the recommended feature.

Remediation Hash

7.14 Improper Initialization of Timelock Delay in receiveMessage Function

// Low


The MessageControllerUpgradeable contract contains a function receiveMessage responsible for handling incoming messages from other chains. In its current implementation, the executableAt timestamp, which determines when a message can be executed, is set immediately upon the receipt of the first message. This approach inadvertently ties the start of the timelock period to the arrival of the initial message, rather than to the moment when the message threshold required for execution is met.

Affected Code Snippet:


function receiveMessage(bytes calldata receivedMsg, uint256 originChain, address originSender) public override nonReentrant {
        /// .. OTHER CODE ... ///

        // if message id does not exist
        if (receivedMessage.receivedSoFar == 0) {
            // store message
            /// .. OTHER CODE ... ///
            receivedMessage.receivedSoFar = 1;
            receivedMessage.executableAt = block.timestamp + timelockDelay;
            receivedMessage.expiresAt = block.timestamp + MESSAGE_EXPIRY;
            /// .. OTHER CODE ... ////
        } else {
            // if message id exists
            receivedMessage.receivedSoFar += 1;

        // Check if the message can be executed
        if ((receivedMessage.receivedSoFar >= receivedMessage.threshold) && (receivedMessage.expiresAt > block.timestamp)) {
            emit MessageExecutableAt(message.messageId, receivedMessage.executableAt);

In the above code:

  • The executableAt timestamp is assigned immediately when the first message is received:

receivedMessage.executableAt = block.timestamp + timelockDelay;

  • This assignment occurs regardless of whether the number of received messages has met the defined threshold for execution.

Assigning the executableAt timestamp upon the receipt of the first message leads to a scenario where the timelock period begins even if the message threshold required for execution has not yet been achieved. This results in the following issues:

  • Insufficient Veto Window: If the threshold is met after a portion of the timelock delay has already elapsed, the vetoer is left with a reduced time frame to cancel the message execution. For example, with a timelockDelay of 24 hours, if the threshold is met 16 hours after the first message, the vetoer only has 8 hours to act.

  • Predictable Timing Vulnerability: Malicious actors could exploit the predictable reduction in veto time by strategically timing the sending of messages to minimize the veto period.


To ensure that the voter has the complete timelockDelay period available upon meeting the message threshold, the assignment of the executableAt timestamp should be deferred until the threshold condition is satisfied. This adjustment guarantees that the timelock period is uniformly applied from the point of threshold attainment, thereby preserving the integrity of the veto mechanism.

function receiveMessage(bytes calldata receivedMsg, uint256 originChain, address originSender) public override nonReentrant {
    // ... // 

    emit MessageReceived(message.messageId, msg.sender);

    // if message id does not exist
    if (receivedMessage.receivedSoFar == 0) {
        // store message
        receivedMessage.targets = message.targets;
        receivedMessage.calldatas = message.calldatas;
        receivedMessage.threshold = message.threshold;
        receivedMessage.receivedSoFar = 1;
        receivedMessage.originChainId = originChain;
        receivedMessage.expiresAt = block.timestamp + MESSAGE_EXPIRY;
        receivedMessage.executed = false;
        receivedMessage.cancelled = false;
    } else {
        // if message id exists
        receivedMessage.receivedSoFar += 1;

    // Check if the message can be executed
    if (receivedMessage.receivedSoFar >= receivedMessage.threshold && receivedMessage.executableAt == 0 && receivedMessage.expiresAt > block.timestamp) {
        // Set the executableAt timestamp now that threshold is met
        receivedMessage.executableAt = block.timestamp + timelockDelay;
        emit MessageExecutableAt(message.messageId, receivedMessage.executableAt);

SOLVED: Timelock Delay is now set when a threshold is met.

Remediation Hash

7.15 Unsafe EIP712 Message Hashing in Cross-Chain Voting Mechanism

// Low


The VotingControllerUpgradeable uses an unsafe message hashing mechanism that breaks EIP712 standard compliance. The issue is found in the getMessageHash function:

// Current unsafe implementation
function getMessageHash(
    address _destGovernor,
    uint256 _chainId,
    uint256 proposalId,
    uint8 support,
    bytes memory voteData
) public pure returns (bytes32) {
    return keccak256(abi.encodePacked(BALLOT_TYPEHASH, _destGovernor, _chainId, proposalId, support, voteData));

The implementation uses abi.encodePacked instead of the EIP712 structured data hashing pattern. The use of abi.encodePacked creates non-standard message signatures that bypass type checking and EIP712 standard.


It is recommended to Implement EIP712 compliant message hashing:

bytes32 public constant VOTE_TYPEHASH = keccak256(
    "Vote(address destGovernor,uint256 chainId,uint256 proposalId,uint8 support,bytes voteData)"

function getMessageHash(
    address _destGovernor,
    uint256 _chainId,
    uint256 proposalId,
    uint8 support,
    bytes memory voteData
) public view returns (bytes32) {
    bytes32 structHash = keccak256(
    return _hashTypedDataV4(structHash);

SOLVED: Proper EIP712 message hashing format is now used.

Remediation Hash

7.16 CREATE3 Factory Is Not Compatible With ZKSYNC Era

// Low


The CREATE3Factory contract will not work on ZKSYNC Era while other factory patterns using CREATE2 remain functional. The documentation explicitly states that basic CREATE2 patterns work:

// This works on ZKSYNC
MyContract a = new MyContract();
MyContract a = new MyContract{salt: ...}();

// This also works
bytes memory bytecode = type(MyContract).creationCode;
assembly {
    addr := create2(0, add(bytecode, 32), mload(bytecode), salt)

However, CREATE3Factory implements a different pattern that will fail on ZKSYNC:

// CREATE3Factory.sol - Will fail on ZKSYNC
function deploy(bytes32 salt, bytes memory creationCode) external payable returns (address deployed) {
    salt = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(msg.sender, salt));
    return CREATE3.deploy(salt, creationCode, msg.value);// @audit-issue Uses proxy bytecode pattern

The CREATE3 implementation relies on proxy deployment patterns and runtime bytecode manipulation:

bytes internal constant PROXY_BYTECODE = hex"67_36_3d_3d_37_36_3d_34_f0_3d_52_60_08_60_18_f3";

function deploy(bytes32 salt, bytes memory creationCode, uint256 value) internal returns (address) {
    bytes memory proxyChildBytecode = PROXY_BYTECODE;
    assembly {
// Deploy proxy bytecode which ZKSYNC cannot handle
        proxy := create2(0, add(proxyChildBytecode, 32), mload(proxyChildBytecode), salt)
// Additional proxy logic that breaks on ZKSYNC...

CREATE3Factory deployments fail on ZKSYNC Era chain


It is recommended to remove CREATE3Factory for ZKSYNC deployments or add chain restrictions.


RISK ACCEPTED: The Lucid Labs team will work on that in a future release.


7.17 Failed ETH Transfers Not Handled in RefundGas Function

// Low


The refundGas() function in RefundGasUpgradeable.sol does not properly handle failed ETH transfers when refunding gas to voters. While the function emits an event with the transfer status, it does not validate or revert on failed transfers.

// RefundGasUpgradeable.sol
function refundGas(address payable voter, uint256 startGas) public {
    if (msg.sender != governor) revert RefundGas_NotGovernor();

    if (!refundGasEnabled) {
    unchecked {
        uint256 balance = address(this).balance;
        if (balance == 0) {
        uint256 basefee = MathUpgradeable.min(block.basefee, maxRefundBaseFee);
        uint256 gasPrice = MathUpgradeable.min(tx.gasprice, basefee + maxRefundPriorityFee);
        uint256 gasUsed = MathUpgradeable.min(startGas - gasleft() + refundBaseGas, maxRefundGasUsed);
        uint256 refundAmount = MathUpgradeable.min(gasPrice * gasUsed, balance);
        (bool refundSent, ) = voter.call{value: refundAmount}("");
        emit RefundableVote(voter, refundAmount, refundSent);

ETH refund transfers fail silently if the recipient is a contract that cannot receive ETH and Voters lose their gas refunds.


It is recommended to add a require statement to revert on failed transfers:

function refundGas(address payable voter, uint256 startGas) public {
// ... existing code ...
    (bool refundSent, ) = voter.call{value: refundAmount}("");
    require(refundSent, "RefundGas: ETH transfer failed");
    emit RefundableVote(voter, refundAmount, refundSent);

SOLVED: Call success is now checked in refundGas.

Remediation Hash

7.18 Useless Token Execution Functions Present in AxelarExecutable Contract

// Informational


The AxelarExecutable.sol contract contains two token execution functions that are never used throughout the codebase:

function executeWithToken(
    bytes32 commandId,
    string calldata sourceChain,
    string calldata sourceAddress,
    bytes calldata payload,
    string calldata tokenSymbol,
    uint256 amount
) external virtual;

function _executeWithToken(
    bytes32 commandId,
    string calldata sourceChain,
    string calldata sourceAddress,
    bytes calldata payload,
    string calldata tokenSymbol,
    uint256 amount
) internal virtual {}

Both functions are declared but never implemented or called within the protocol. The empty implementation of _executeWithToken() and the virtual declaration of executeWithToken() serve no functional purpose in the current architecture.


It is recommended to remove both executeWithToken() and _executeWithToken() functions from the AxelarExecutable contract since they provide no value to the protocol. If token execution functionality is needed in the future, it can be added through an upgrade or new implementation.


SOLVED: The Lucid Labs team removed the useless functions.

Remediation Hash

7.19 Unlocked Pragma Compiler

// Informational


The codebase contains several instances of unlocked pragma compiler directives. These directives do not specify a fixed compiler version, which can lead to inconsistencies and potential security vulnerabilities due to differences in compiler behavior across versions.

Locking the pragma helps to ensure that contracts do not accidentally get deployed using another pragma. For example, an outdated pragma version might introduce bugs that affect the contract system negatively.

Additionally, using a newer compiler version that introduces default optimizations, including unchecked overflow for gas efficiency, presents an opportunity for further optimization.


It is recommended to lock the pragma version to the same version used during development and testing.


SOLVED: Pragma compiler is now fixed.

Remediation Hash

7.20 Useless Interface Import in WormholeAdapter Contract

// Informational


The WormholeAdapter contract imports the IWormholeReceiver interface, but never utilizes it in any capacity:

import {IWormholeReceiver} from "./interfaces/IWormholeReceiver.sol";

contract WormholeAdapter is BaseAdapter {
// Contract implementation never uses or implements IWormholeReceiver

The contract does not implement the interface nor use any of its functions or types. The import statement remains unused throughout the entire contract implementation and serves no functional purpose.


It is recommended to remove the IWormholeReceiver import from WormholeAdapter.sol since it provides no value to the contract.


SOLVED: Useless import have been removed.

Remediation Hash

7.21 Suboptimal Memory Usage in BondChainlinkOracle._getTwoFeedPrice Function

// Informational


The _getTwoFeedPrice() function in BondChainlinkOracle.sol reads storage variables multiple times within computation branches when they can be stored in memory for gas optimization:

function _getTwoFeedPrice(PriceFeedParams memory params_) internal view returns (uint256) {
// Get decimal value scale factor
    uint8 exponent;
    uint8 denomDecimals = params_.denominatorFeed.decimals();
    uint8 numDecimals = params_.numeratorFeed.decimals();
    if (params_.div) {
        if (params_.decimals + denomDecimals < numDecimals) revert BondOracle_InvalidParams();
        exponent = params_.decimals + params_.denominatorFeed.decimals() - params_.numeratorFeed.decimals();
    } else {
        if (numDecimals + denomDecimals < params_.decimals) revert BondOracle_InvalidParams();
        exponent = params_.denominatorFeed.decimals() + params_.numeratorFeed.decimals() - params_.decimals;

The function makes redundant calls to decimals() on both feed contracts within the if/else branches, when these values are already stored in denomDecimals and numDecimals.


It is recommended to store the decimals values in memory variables and reuse them throughout the computation:

function _getTwoFeedPrice(PriceFeedParams memory params_) internal view returns (uint256) {
// Get decimal value scale factor
    uint8 exponent;
    uint8 denomDecimals = params_.denominatorFeed.decimals();
    uint8 numDecimals = params_.numeratorFeed.decimals();
    uint8 paramsDecimals = params_.decimals;

    if (params_.div) {
        if (paramsDecimals + denomDecimals < numDecimals) revert BondOracle_InvalidParams();
        exponent = paramsDecimals + denomDecimals - numDecimals;
    } else {
        if (numDecimals + denomDecimals < paramsDecimals) revert BondOracle_InvalidParams();
        exponent = denomDecimals + numDecimals - paramsDecimals;

// Get prices from feeds
    uint256 numeratorPrice = _validateAndGetPrice(params_.numeratorFeed, params_.numeratorUpdateThreshold);
    uint256 denominatorPrice = _validateAndGetPrice(params_.denominatorFeed, params_.denominatorUpdateThreshold);

// Calculate and scale price
    return params_.div ? numeratorPrice.mulDiv(10 ** exponent, denominatorPrice) : numeratorPrice.mulDiv(denominatorPrice, 10 ** exponent);

SOLVED: The Lucid Labs team implemented the recommended feature.

Remediation Hash

7.22 Missing Zero Amount Check in Cross-Chain Bridge Functions

// Informational


The burnAndBridge() and burnAndBridgeMulti() functions in AssetController.sol lack input validation for the amount parameter. This allows transactions to be executed with zero amounts:

function burnAndBridge(
    address recipient,
    uint256 amount,
    bool unwrap,
    uint256 destChainId,
    address bridgeAdapter
) public payable nonReentrant whenNotPaused {
    uint256 _currentLimit = burningCurrentLimitOf(bridgeAdapter);
    if (_currentLimit < amount) revert IXERC20_NotHighEnoughLimits();
    _useBurnerLimits(bridgeAdapter, amount);
    IXERC20(token).burn(_msgSender(), amount);// @audit - amount is not checked for > 0// ...

function burnAndBridgeMulti(
    address recipient,
    uint256 amount,
    bool unwrap,
    uint256 destChainId,
    address[] memory adapters,
    uint256[] memory fees
) public payable nonReentrant whenNotPaused {
// ...
    IXERC20(token).burn(_msgSender(), amount);// @audit - amount is not checked for > 0// ...

The absence of zero-amount validation allows unnecessary transactions that consume gas without transferring value


It is recommended to add a zero-amount check at the start of both functions:

function burnAndBridge(...) public payable nonReentrant whenNotPaused {
    if (amount == 0) revert InvalidAmount();
// rest of the function

function burnAndBridgeMulti(...) public payable nonReentrant whenNotPaused {
    if (amount == 0) revert InvalidAmount();
// rest of the function

SOLVED: Zero-amount check has been added.

Remediation Hash

7.23 Inconsistent Amount Handling After Fee Deduction in Multi-Bridge Transfer

// Informational


In AssetController.sol, the burnAndBridgeMulti() function deducts the fee from the original amount after transferring it, which creates an inconsistency between the expected and actual transferred amounts:

// AssetController.sol#burnAndBridgeMulti
if (fee > 0) {
// First transfers the fee
    IERC20(token).transferFrom(_msgSender(), address(this), fee);
    IERC20(token).approve(address(feeCollector), fee);
    feeCollector.collect(token, fee);
    amount = amount - fee;// @audit - Reduces the amount after fee collection
// Later burns the reduced amount
IXERC20(token).burn(_msgSender(), amount);

This implementation has several issues:

  1. Users expecting to bridge an exact amount will receive less due to the fee deduction

  2. Any dependent protocols or smart contracts expecting exact amounts will have their transactions fail

  3. This differs from standard DeFi practice where fees are handled separately from the main amount


It is recommended to separate the fee handling from the main amount:

function burnAndBridgeMulti(
    address recipient,
    uint256 amount,
    bool unwrap,
    uint256 destChainId,
    address[] memory adapters,
    uint256[] memory fees
) public payable nonReentrant whenNotPaused {
    uint256 fee = feeCollector.quote(amount);
    if (fee > 0) {
// Transfer fee separately
        IERC20(token).transferFrom(_msgSender(), address(this), fee);
        IERC20(token).approve(address(feeCollector), fee);
        feeCollector.collect(token, fee);

// Transfer the full amount separately
    IXERC20(token).burn(_msgSender(), amount);

// Rest of the function...

SOLVED: Fees are now retrieved, but now decremented from amount.

Remediation Hash

7.24 Inefficient Storage Access Pattern in Message Reception Handling

// Informational


In AssetController.sol, the _receiveMessage function performs multiple unnecessary storage reads and writes when handling a ReceivedTransfer. Each storage operation costs 2100 gas for first time storage (SSTORE) and 100 gas for subsequent modifications.

Current implementation:

ReceivedTransfer storage receivedTransfer = receivedTransfers[transfer.transferId];

if (receivedTransfer.receivedSoFar == 0) {
    receivedTransfer.recipient = transfer.recipient; // SSTORE - 2100 gas
    receivedTransfer.amount = transfer.amount; // SSTORE - 2100 gas
    receivedTransfer.unwrap = transfer.unwrap; // SSTORE - 2100 gas
    receivedTransfer.receivedSoFar = 1; // SSTORE - 2100 gas
    receivedTransfer.threshold = transfer.threshold; // SSTORE - 2100 gas
    receivedTransfer.originChainId = originChain; // SSTORE - 2100 gas
    receivedTransfer.executed = false; // SSTORE - 2100 gas
} else {
    receivedTransfer.receivedSoFar++; // SSTORE - 2100 gas

  • Each field access triggers a storage operation, significantly increasing gas costs

  • Multiple redundant storage reads when accessing the same struct fields multiple times

  • Unnecessary interim storage writes for new transfers


It is recommended to use memory struct and perform a single storage write at the end:

ReceivedTransfer memory receivedTransfer = receivedTransfers[transfer.transferId];

if (receivedTransfer.receivedSoFar == 0) {
    receivedTransfer = ReceivedTransfer({
        recipient: transfer.recipient,
        amount: transfer.amount,
        unwrap: transfer.unwrap,
        receivedSoFar: 1,
        threshold: transfer.threshold,
        originChainId: originChain,
        executed: false,
        cancelled: false
} else {

// Check threshold and emit event using memory values
if (receivedTransfer.receivedSoFar >= receivedTransfer.threshold) {
    emit TransferExecutable(transfer.transferId);

// Single storage write at the end
receivedTransfers[transfer.transferId] = receivedTransfer;

SOLVED: The function is now more gas efficient.

Remediation Hash

7.25 Missing Duration Validation Enables Zero Division in Base Asset Bridge

// Informational


The BaseAssetBridge.sol contract uses a duration variable as a divisor in multiple functions without validating that it's non-zero. The duration is set in the constructor and cannot be modified afterwards, but lacks zero-value validation:

    address _owner,
    uint256 _duration,// @audit No validation that it is > 0
    address[] memory _bridges,
    uint256[] memory _mintingLimits,
    uint256[] memory _burningLimits
) OwnableInit(_owner) {
    duration = _duration;// @audit - Directly assigned without checks// ...

The duration variable is used as a divisor in several critical functions:

function _changeMinterLimit(address _bridge, uint256 _limit) internal {
// ...
    bridges[_bridge].minterParams.ratePerSecond = _limit / duration;// @audit - Division by duration// ...

function _changeBurnerLimit(address _bridge, uint256 _limit) internal {
// ...
    bridges[_bridge].burnerParams.ratePerSecond = _limit / duration;// @audit - Division by duration// ...

If duration is set to 0 during deployment:

  • All functions using division by duration will revert

  • The bridge becomes completely unusable

  • A new contract deployment is required to fix the issue


It is recommended to add a duration validation in the constructor :

    address _owner,
    uint256 _duration,
    address[] memory _bridges,
    uint256[] memory _mintingLimits,
    uint256[] memory _burningLimits
) OwnableInit(_owner) {
    if (_duration == 0) revert InvalidDuration();
    duration = _duration;
// ...

SOLVED: Duration and addresses are now validated in AssetController's constructor.

Remediation Hash

7.26 Insufficient Delegation Control in Connext Cross-Chain Transfers

// Informational


The ConnextAdapter contract's relayMessage function sets the _delegate parameter to address(0) when calling the Connext bridge's xcall function:

transferId = BRIDGE.xcall{value: _deductFee(msg.value)}(
    abi.encode(BridgedMessage(message, msg.sender, destination))

This configuration prevents any address from updating slippage tolerance or retrying failed transactions on the destination chain. The _delegate parameter is designed to specify an address with these capabilities, enhancing the robustness of cross-chain transfers.


It is recommended to modify the relayMessage function to set the _delegate parameter to a known address on the dest chain:

transferId = BRIDGE.xcall{value: _deductFee(msg.value)}(
    abi.encode(BridgedMessage(message, msg.sender, destination))

SOLVED: Destination adapter is now set as a delegate in ConnextAdapter, and an exposed forceUpdateSlippage function has been added.

Remediation Hash

7.27 Gas Inefficient Role Check Implementation

// Informational


The MessageControllerUpgradeable.sol contract implements role-based access control by inheriting from AccessControlUpgradeable but does not utilize the provided onlyRole modifier. Instead, it performs manual role checks using if statements:

// Current implementation in multiple functions

if (!hasRole(DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE, msg.sender)) revert Controller_Unauthorised();

// OpenZeppelin's more efficient approach

modifier onlyRole(bytes32 role) {

The current implementation duplicates code across multiple functions and does not follow OpenZeppelin's standardized access control


It is recommended to replace all manual role checks with OpenZeppelin's onlyRole modifier:

// Before

function setLocalAdapter(address[] memory adapters, bool[] memory enabled) public {
    if (!hasRole(DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE, msg.sender)) revert Controller_Unauthorised();
   // Function logic

// After

function setLocalAdapter(address[] memory adapters, bool[] memory enabled) public onlyRole(DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE) {
   // Function logic

SOLVED: Roles are now checked with OZ modifiers in MessageController.

Remediation Hash

7.28 Owner Can Renounce Ownership

// Informational


It was identified that the OwnableInitUpgradeable and OwnableInitcontracts can renounceOwnership() . This function is used to renounce the Owner permission. Renouncing ownership before transferring would result in the contract having no owner, eliminating the ability to call privileged functions:

function renounceOwnership() public virtual onlyOwner {

It is recommended that the Owner cannot call renounceOwnership() without first transferring Ownership to another address. In addition, if a multisignature wallet is used, the call to the renounceOwnership() function should be confirmed for two or more users.


ACKNOWLEDGED: The Lucid Labs team acknowledged the risk but won't implement a modification.


8. Automated Testing

Halborn used automated testing techniques to enhance the coverage of certain areas of the smart contracts in scope. Among the tools used was Slither, a Solidity static analysis framework.

After Halborn verified the smart contracts in the repository and was able to compile them correctly into their abis and binary format, Slither was run against the contracts. This tool can statically verify mathematical relationships between Solidity variables to detect invalid or inconsistent usage of the contracts' APIs across the entire code-base.


All issues identified by Slither were proved to be false positives or have been added to the issue list in this report.

Halborn strongly recommends conducting a follow-up assessment of the project either within six months or immediately following any material changes to the codebase, whichever comes first. This approach is crucial for maintaining the project’s integrity and addressing potential vulnerabilities introduced by code modifications.

// Download the full report

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