Prepared by:
Last Updated 04/26/2024
Date of Engagement by: July 10th, 2022 - August 3rd, 2022
100% of all REPORTED Findings have been addressed
All findings
\client engaged Halborn to conduct a security audit on their smart contracts beginning on 2022-07-10 and ending on 2022-08-03. The security assessment was scoped to the smart contracts provided to the Halborn team.
The team at Halborn was provided two weeks for the engagement and assigned a full-time security engineer to audit the security of the smart contract. The security engineer is a blockchain and smart-contract security expert with advanced penetration testing, smart-contract hacking, and deep knowledge of multiple blockchain protocols.
The purpose of this audit is to:
Ensure that smart contract functions operate as intended.
Identify potential security issues with the smart contracts.
In summary, Halborn identified some security risks that were mostly addressed by the \client team.
Halborn performed a combination of manual and automated security testing to balance efficiency, timeliness, practicality, and accuracy in regard to the scope of this audit. While manual testing is recommended to uncover flaws in logic, process, and implementation; automated testing techniques help enhance coverage of the contracts' solidity code and can quickly identify items that do not follow security best practices. The following phases and associated tools were used throughout the term of the audit:
Research into architecture and purpose.
Smart contract manual code review and walkthrough.
Manual assessment of use and safety for the critical Solidity variables and functions in scope to identify any arithmetic related vulnerability classes.
Manual testing by custom scripts. (Hardhat
Static Analysis of security for scoped contract, and imported functions manually.
Testnet deployment (Ganache
The security assessment was scoped to the following smart contracts on the prepared branch for the audit:
Commit ID: bde7ee900aba18aecd0e8e0c0497121540dd5abb
FIX Commit TREE/ID :
Impact x Likelihood
Security analysis | Risk level | Remediation Date |
USAGE OF SELF-DESTRUCT MAY LEAD TO FUNDS LOSS | Medium | Solved - 08/02/2022 |
IMPROPER CHECK ON CLAIM FUNCTION | Low | Solved - 08/02/2022 |
UNSAFE CASTING | Low | Solved - 08/02/2022 |
USE CALL INSTEAD OF SEND OR TRANSFER | Low | Solved - 08/02/2022 |
MISSING TWO-STEP TRANSFER OWNERSHIP PATTERN | Informational | Solved - 08/02/2022 |
STORING VARIABLE CAN SAVE GAS | Informational | Solved - 08/02/2022 |
ADDING UNCHECKED DIRECTIVE CAN SAVE GAS | Informational | Acknowledged |
// Medium
The usage of the selfdestruct
function erases the contract code from the blockchain. Although it is understandable under certain circumstances, this function if executed inappropriately can lead to the destruction of the token contract making users loose all the deposited money and making the decentralized application broken.
function selfDestruct(address addr) external onlyRole(DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE) whenPaused {
SOLVED: The persistenceOne team
fixed the above issue by using the timelock
contract from openzeppelin on the commit ID d059bccbb368158a63767107b37894d47009c385. As a result, this gives time to the users to call the withdraw function in case the self-destruct function is triggered.
Moreover, the persistenceOne team
ensures that this function will only be called in case a major upgrade occurs on the Binance ecosystem and gets the compromise to re-balance the stkBNB tokens to every user account if this situation happens.
// Low
The _claim function checks the amount to withdraw from the protocol is less than the current contract balance. However, this check is not correct, and it can lead to revert the transaction as the claimReserve
can be 0, although the contract balance is not 0. So on the subtraction on L786, the contract reverts with an unhandled arithmetic exception.
if (address(this).balance < req.weiToReturn) {
revert InsufficientFundsToSatisfyClaim();
SOLVED: The persistenceOne team
fixed the above issue on the commit ID d059bccbb368158a63767107b37894d47009c385.
// Low
The StakePool contracts performs unsafe casting from uint256 to int256 that can lead to overflow. Although the risk is minimum as the amount of BNB is still far from reaching those numbers.
if (_bnbToUnbond > int256(excessBNB)) {
_bnbToUnbond -= int256(shortCircuitAmount);
_bnbToUnbond -= int256(bnbUnbonding_);
_bnbToUnbond += int256(weiToReturn);
SOLVED: The persistenceOne team
fixed the above issue on the commit ID d059bccbb368158a63767107b37894d47009c385. The final implementation contains the recommended library to avoid overflows on arithmetic operations when casting.
// Low
The claimStkBNB function from the FeeVault contract can send the fees to the StakePool contract. Although this action is restricted by the onlyOwner modifier, this action may lead the fees to be locked on the StakePool contract forever. This happens because there is no way to call the claim function from the FeeVault contract.
function claimStkBNB(address recipient, uint256 amount) external override onlyOwner {
IStakedBNBToken(addressStore.getStkBNB()).send(recipient, amount, "");
emit Withdraw(msg.sender, recipient, amount);
SOLVED: The persistenceOne team
fixed the above issue on the commit ID d059bccbb368158a63767107b37894d47009c385.
// Low
The usage of send or transfer limits the amount of gas send in the transaction to 2300. This can be considered a safeguard to avoid reentrancy. However, given the current protections of the contracts, it does seem feasible to use call function without further risk. This implies that the system expects to be used by some contracts that can execute more complex code on the fallback function.
function _claim(uint256 index) internal returns (bool) {
if (index >= claimReqs[msg.sender].length) {
revert IndexOutOfBounds(index);
// find the requested claim
ClaimRequest memory req = claimReqs[msg.sender][index];
if (!_canBeClaimed(req)) {
return false;
if (_claimReserve < req.weiToReturn) {
revert InsufficientFundsToSatisfyClaim();
// update _claimReserve
_claimReserve -= req.weiToReturn;
// delete the req, as it has been fulfilled (swap deletion for O(1) compute)
claimReqs[msg.sender][index] = claimReqs[msg.sender][claimReqs[msg.sender].length - 1];
// return BNB back to user
emit Claim(msg.sender, req, block.timestamp);
return true;
SOLVED: The persistenceOne team
fixed the above issue on the commit ID d059bccbb368158a63767107b37894d47009c385.
// Informational
The AddressStore contract use Ownable from OpenZeppelin which is a simple mechanism to transfer the ownership not supporting a two-step transfer ownership pattern. Ownable is a simpler mechanism with a single owner "role" that can be assigned to a single account. This simpler mechanism can be useful for quick tests, but projects with production concerns are likely to outgrow it. Transferring ownership is a critical operation and this could lead to transferring it to an inaccessible wallet or renouncing the ownership, e.g. mistakenly.
contract AddressStore is IAddressStore, Ownable
SOLVED: The persistenceOne team
does not require a fix for this, as the platform will use a multi-signature wallet when developed on production.
// Informational
Calling a contract, although a view function, still requires some gas from the contract. The UndelegationHolder contract performs the call to the StakePool contract twice instead of storing the result on a variable.
if (amountToSend > IStakePoolBot(stakePool).bnbUnbonding()) {
amountToSend = IStakePoolBot(stakePool).bnbUnbonding();
SOLVED: The persistenceOne team
fixed the above issue on the commit ID d059bccbb368158a63767107b37894d47009c385.
// Informational
For the arithmetic operations that will never over/underflow, using the unchecked directive (Solidity v0.8 has default overflow/underflow checks) can save some gas from the unnecessary internal over/underflow checks.
_TOKEN_HUB.transferOut{ value: excessBNB }(
uint64(block.timestamp + 3600)
ACKNOWLEDGED: The persistenceOne team
acknowledged this issue.
// Informational
The function getPaginatedClaimRequests
uses i++
which costs more gas than ++i
, especially in a loop.
In the loops below, postfix (e.g. i++
) operators were used to increment or decrement variable values. It is known that, in loops, using prefix operators (e.g. ++i
) costs less gas per iteration than using postfix operators.
for (uint256 i = 0; i < to - from; i++) {
paginatedClaimRequests[i] = claimReqs[user][from + i];
SOLVED: The persistenceOne team
fixed the above issue on the commit ID d059bccbb368158a63767107b37894d47009c385.
Halborn used automated testing techniques to enhance coverage of certain areas of the scoped contract. Among the tools used was Slither, a Solidity static analysis framework. After Halborn verified all the contracts in the repository and was able to compile them correctly into their ABI and binary formats. This tool can statically verify mathematical relationships between Solidity variables to detect invalid or inconsistent usage of the contracts' APIs across the entire code-base.
As a result of the tests completed with the Slither tool, some results were obtained and these results were reviewed by Halborn
. In line with the reviewed results, it was decided that some vulnerabilities were false-positive and these results were not included in the report. The actual vulnerabilities found by Slither are already included in the findings on the report.
Halborn strongly recommends conducting a follow-up assessment of the project either within six months or immediately following any material changes to the codebase, whichever comes first. This approach is crucial for maintaining the project’s integrity and addressing potential vulnerabilities introduced by code modifications.
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