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RFX Contracts - RFX Exchange

Prepared by:

Halborn Logo


Last Updated 09/05/2024

Date of Engagement by: June 7th, 2024 - July 26th, 2024


100% of all REPORTED Findings have been addressed

All findings













RFX Exchange engaged Halborn to conduct a security assessment on their smart contracts beginning on June 7th, 2024 and ending on July 26th, 2024. The security assessment was scoped to smart contracts in the GitHub repository provided to the Halborn team. Commit hashes and further details can be found in the Scope section of this report.


Halborn assigned two full-time security engineers to review the security of the smart contracts in scope. The engineers are blockchain and smart contract security experts with advanced penetration testing and smart contract hacking skills, and deep knowledge of multiple blockchain protocols.

The purpose of the assessment is to:

    • Identify potential security issues within the smart contracts.

    • Ensure that smart contract functionality operates as intended.

In summary, Halborn identified some improvements to reduce the likelihood and impact of risks, which were mostly addressed by the RFX team. The main ones were the following:

    • Include the current value of the execution fee when topping up subaccounts during order updates.

    • Update the funding and borrowing state during deposits / withdrawals before modifying the pool amount.

    • Validate that the oracle prices provided during the execution of the operation fall within an acceptable range.

    • Remove the deposit cap validation if the price impact is greater than zero.


Halborn performed a combination of manual and automated security testing to balance efficiency, timeliness, practicality, and accuracy in regard to the scope of this assessment. While manual testing is recommended to uncover flaws in logic, process, and implementation; automated testing techniques help enhance coverage of the contracts' solidity code and can quickly identify items that do not follow security best practices. The following phases and associated tools were used throughout the term of the assessment:

    • Research into architecture and purpose.

    • Smart contract manual code review and walk-through.

    • Manual assessment of use and safety for the critical Solidity variables and functions in scope to identify any arithmetic-related vulnerability classes.

    • Local testing with custom scripts (Foundry).

    • Fork testing against main networks (Foundry).

    • Static analysis of security for scoped contract, and imported functions.


This assessment was specifically focused on the contracts defined within the scope, and therefore, the findings are limited to those contracts. However, there are numerous other contracts that were not included in this assessment but are part of the overall system.

Issues or vulnerabilities in these out-of-scope contracts could potentially affect the security of the protocol. Consequently, it is recommended to complement this assessment with a comprehensive review of the entire codebase to identify any additional vulnerabilities or issues that may not have been covered, ensuring a more robust security posture for the protocol.


Every vulnerability and issue observed by Halborn is ranked based on two sets of Metrics and a Severity Coefficient. This system is inspired by the industry standard Common Vulnerability Scoring System.
The two Metric sets are: Exploitability and Impact. Exploitability captures the ease and technical means by which vulnerabilities can be exploited and Impact describes the consequences of a successful exploit.
The Severity Coefficients is designed to further refine the accuracy of the ranking with two factors: Reversibility and Scope. These capture the impact of the vulnerability on the environment as well as the number of users and smart contracts affected.
The final score is a value between 0-10 rounded up to 1 decimal place and 10 corresponding to the highest security risk. This provides an objective and accurate rating of the severity of security vulnerabilities in smart contracts.
The system is designed to assist in identifying and prioritizing vulnerabilities based on their level of risk to address the most critical issues in a timely manner.


Attack Origin (AO):
Captures whether the attack requires compromising a specific account.
Attack Cost (AC):
Captures the cost of exploiting the vulnerability incurred by the attacker relative to sending a single transaction on the relevant blockchain. Includes but is not limited to financial and computational cost.
Attack Complexity (AX):
Describes the conditions beyond the attacker’s control that must exist in order to exploit the vulnerability. Includes but is not limited to macro situation, available third-party liquidity and regulatory challenges.
Attack Origin (AO)Arbitrary (AO:A)
Specific (AO:S)
Attack Cost (AC)Low (AC:L)
Medium (AC:M)
High (AC:H)
Attack Complexity (AX)Low (AX:L)
Medium (AX:M)
High (AX:H)
Exploitability EE is calculated using the following formula:

E=meE = \prod m_e


Confidentiality (C):
Measures the impact to the confidentiality of the information resources managed by the contract due to a successfully exploited vulnerability. Confidentiality refers to limiting access to authorized users only.
Integrity (I):
Measures the impact to integrity of a successfully exploited vulnerability. Integrity refers to the trustworthiness and veracity of data stored and/or processed on-chain. Integrity impact directly affecting Deposit or Yield records is excluded.
Availability (A):
Measures the impact to the availability of the impacted component resulting from a successfully exploited vulnerability. This metric refers to smart contract features and functionality, not state. Availability impact directly affecting Deposit or Yield is excluded.
Deposit (D):
Measures the impact to the deposits made to the contract by either users or owners.
Yield (Y):
Measures the impact to the yield generated by the contract for either users or owners.
Confidentiality (C)None (I:N)
Low (I:L)
Medium (I:M)
High (I:H)
Critical (I:C)
Integrity (I)None (I:N)
Low (I:L)
Medium (I:M)
High (I:H)
Critical (I:C)
Availability (A)None (A:N)
Low (A:L)
Medium (A:M)
High (A:H)
Critical (A:C)
Deposit (D)None (D:N)
Low (D:L)
Medium (D:M)
High (D:H)
Critical (D:C)
Yield (Y)None (Y:N)
Low (Y:L)
Medium (Y:M)
High (Y:H)
Critical (Y:C)
Impact II is calculated using the following formula:

I=max(mI)+mImax(mI)4I = max(m_I) + \frac{\sum{m_I} - max(m_I)}{4}


Reversibility (R):
Describes the share of the exploited vulnerability effects that can be reversed. For upgradeable contracts, assume the contract private key is available.
Scope (S):
Captures whether a vulnerability in one vulnerable contract impacts resources in other contracts.
Reversibility (rr)None (R:N)
Partial (R:P)
Full (R:F)
Scope (ss)Changed (S:C)
Unchanged (S:U)
Severity Coefficient CC is obtained by the following product:

C=rsC = rs

The Vulnerability Severity Score SS is obtained by:

S=min(10,EIC10)S = min(10, EIC * 10)

The score is rounded up to 1 decimal places.
SeverityScore Value Range
Critical9 - 10
High7 - 8.9
Medium4.5 - 6.9
Low2 - 4.4
Informational0 - 1.9


Files and Repository
(a) Repository: rfx-contracts
(b) Assessed Commit ID: 7b547f2
(c) Items in scope:
  • contracts/adl/AdlUtils.sol
  • contracts/data/DataStore.sol
  • contracts/data/Keys.sol
↓ Expand ↓
Out-of-Scope: Files not included in the scope, third party dependencies and economic attacks.
Remediation Commit ID:
Out-of-Scope: New features/implementations after the remediation commit IDs.

7. Assessment Summary & Findings Overview











Security analysisRisk levelRemediation Date
Execution fee might not be refunded to subaccounts when updating ordersHighSolved - 09/01/2024
Non-updated borrowing factor leads to fee miscalculationsHighSolved - 08/21/2024
Lack of price validation allows operations at improper pricesMediumSolved - 08/21/2024
Deposit cap validation could cause unnecessary revertsMediumSolved - 08/21/2024
Flawed payment logicLowSolved - 08/21/2024
Oracle feed reports missing feed IDLowSolved - 08/21/2024
Role set is not correctly updated when revoking one of the rolesLowSolved - 09/01/2024
Untimely balance checks when topping up subaccountsLowSolved - 09/01/2024
Empty event log data is returned when processing order increasesInformationalSolved - 09/01/2024
Lack of zero address checkInformationalAcknowledged - 09/01/2024
Potential variable declaration might go unusedInformationalSolved - 09/01/2024
Duplicated functionsInformationalSolved - 09/01/2024
Optimization in conditional logicInformationalSolved - 09/01/2024
Optimizations in loopsInformationalAcknowledged - 09/01/2024
Unlocked pragmaInformationalAcknowledged - 09/01/2024
Unused components in the codebaseInformationalPartially Solved - 08/21/2024
Incorrect or missing NatSpec commentsInformationalPartially Solved - 08/21/2024
Typo In commentInformationalSolved - 08/21/2024
Incorrect commentsInformationalSolved - 08/21/2024
Unused import statementsInformationalPartially Solved - 08/30/2024

8. Findings & Tech Details

8.1 Execution fee might not be refunded to subaccounts when updating orders

// High


When updating an order through the SubaccountRouter contract, a subaccount needs to spend some gas and, sometimes, an execution fee that must be deposited in advance. The gas spent is refunded to the subaccount, but the execution fee is not. To set the context, it is important to review the top-up mechanism of the protocol when a subaccount creates or updates an order through the SubaccountRouter contract.

When a subaccount creates an order, it needs to spend gas + an execution fee. This total value is topped up (i.e., refunded) up to a certain cap to the subaccount after the order is created.

On the other hand, when a subaccount updates an order, only the spent gas is refunded, not the execution fee. Sometimes, the subaccount doesn't need to add more execution fee, only to modify some parameters. However, in other scenarios is a must to add more execution fee to the orders, as seen in the following example:

  1. An order is created.

  2. A keeper executes the order, but it fails because it is unfulfillable. So, the execution fee for the order is now set to 0 and the order is frozen.

  3. To unfreeze the order, the subaccount needs to update it. Since the current the current execution fee is 0 (see previous step), the subaccount must have previously deposited an execution fee to incentivize keepers to execute it.

  4. Finally, the gas spent is topped up (i.e., refunded) to the subaccount, but not the execution fee.

The execution fee that subaccounts need to deposit in advance when updating orders is not considered when topping them up. As a result, the execution fee spent might not be correctly refunded to the subaccounts, which economically harms the subaccounts and causes them to lose tokens.

Code Location

The described issue happens because the SubaccountRouter.updateOrder function calls _autoTopUpSubaccount using 0 as execution fee, instead of relying on the amount of wrapped native tokens previously deposited by the subaccount:

   order.account(), // account
   msg.sender, // subaccount
   startingGas, // startingGas
   0 // executionFee

It means that when nativeTokensUsed is calculated, it will consider executionFee as 0, so the amount transferred to the subaccount could be missing the executionFee:

// cap the top up amount to the amount of native tokens used
uint256 nativeTokensUsed = (startingGas - gasleft()) * tx.gasprice + executionFee;
if (nativeTokensUsed < amount) { amount = nativeTokensUsed; }

  address(wnt), // token
  account, // account
  address(this), // receiver
  amount // amount


However, the OrderHandler.updateOrder function (which is called at some point during the order update operation) adds a new executionFee equivalent to the wrapped native tokens previously sent, which can be greater than zero, especially if the order was previously frozen (which set the executionFee to 0) and needs that someone adds a new executionFee greater than zero to make it work:

// allow topping up of executionFee as frozen orders
// will have their executionFee reduced
address wnt = TokenUtils.wnt(dataStore);
uint256 receivedWnt = orderVault.recordTransferIn(wnt);
order.setExecutionFee(order.executionFee() + receivedWnt);
Proof of Concept

The proof of concept was directly developed in the already existent test/guardian/testFrozenOrder.ts test file, which only needs a couple of minor updates to make the PoC work correctly.

Updates in the test file:

Add the following imports:

import { createAccount } from "../../utils/account";
import * as keys from "../../utils/keys";

Finally, include subaccountRouter and orderVault variables in the test file

Step-by-step explanation of the PoC:

  1. The subaccountRouter is set. It is configured that the subaccount's top-up amount is 0.5 ETH, which is the cap when refunding to subaccounts.

  2. An order is created with 0.3 ETH as execution fee.

  3. The order is executed, but it fails because it is unfulfillable. So, the execution fee for the order is now set to 0 and the order is frozen.

  4. The subaccount updates the order for the first time without depositing wrapped native tokens. As expected, the order is unfrozen but the execute fee is still 0. Then, after refunding, the subaccount's balance has been reduced by only 0.000641938502995713 ETH (partial gas expenses).

  5. Finally, the subaccount updates the order for the second time, but now depositing 0.3 ETH as execution fee. As expected, the execute fee is now 0.3 ETH. However, after refunding, the subaccount's balance has now been reduced by 0.000667564503115301 ETH (partial gas expenses), but also by the execution fee (0.3 ETH).

  it("Execution fee is not refunded to subaccount when updating order", async () => {

    const subaccount = createAccount();

    // Setting subaccountRouter
    await subaccountRouter
        subaccountRouter.interface.encodeFunctionData("sendNativeToken", [subaccount.address, expandDecimals(1, 18)]),
        subaccountRouter.interface.encodeFunctionData("addSubaccount", [subaccount.address]),
        subaccountRouter.interface.encodeFunctionData("setMaxAllowedSubaccountActionCount", [

        subaccountRouter.interface.encodeFunctionData("setSubaccountAutoTopUpAmount", [
          expandDecimals(5, 17), // Top up to 0.5 ETH
      { value: expandDecimals(1, 18) }

    await createOrder(fixture, {
      account: user1,
      market: ethUsdMarket,
      initialCollateralToken: wnt,
      initialCollateralDeltaAmount: expandDecimals(1, 18),
      sizeDeltaUsd: decimalToFloat(10_000),
      acceptablePrice: expandDecimals(5100, 12),
      triggerPrice: expandDecimals(5000, 12),
      orderType: OrderType.LimitIncrease,
      isLong: true,
      executionFee: expandDecimals(3, 17),

    // Limit order go to future block
    await mine(10);

    const orderKeys = await getOrderKeys(dataStore, 0, 1);

    const orderBeforeExecuted = await reader.getOrder(dataStore.address, orderKeys[0]);
    // Check that the order's execution fee is 3e17, i.e.: 0.3 ETH
    expect(orderBeforeExecuted.numbers.executionFee).eq(expandDecimals(3, 17));

    await executeOrder(fixture, {
      tokens: [wnt.address, usdc.address],
      minPrices: [expandDecimals(5000, 4), expandDecimals(1, 6)],
      maxPrices: [expandDecimals(5000, 4), expandDecimals(1, 6)],
      precisions: [8, 18],
      expectedFrozenReason: "InsufficientReserve",

    const orderPreUpdate = await reader.getOrder(dataStore.address, orderKeys[0]);
    // Check that the order's execution fee is now 0

    // Check that the order has been frozen
    // ETH balance for subaccount before updating order
    const ethBalancePreUpdate = await ethers.provider.getBalance(subaccount.address);

    // subaccount updates the order to be filled at a different price points this will unfreeze the order
    await subaccountRouter.connect(subaccount).updateOrder(
      decimalToFloat(10_000), // sizeDeltaUsd
      expandDecimals(5200, 12), // acceptablePrice
      expandDecimals(5200, 12), // triggerPrice
      expandDecimals(52000, 6) // minOutputAmount

    const orderAfterFirstUpdate = await reader.getOrder(dataStore.address, orderKeys[0]);

    // Check that the order's execution fee is still 0

    // Check that the order has been unfrozen

    // ETH balance for subaccount after first update
    const ethBalanceAfterFistUpdate = await ethers.provider.getBalance(subaccount.address);

    // Gas spent (after top-up) in the first update: 0.000641938502995713 ETH
    const EthSpentFirstUpdate = ethers.BigNumber.from("641938502995713");

    // The difference between the previous and current balance is due to gas expenses

    await subaccountRouter
          subaccountRouter.interface.encodeFunctionData("sendWnt", [orderVault.address, expandDecimals(3, 17)]),
              decimalToFloat(10_000), // sizeDeltaUsd
              expandDecimals(5200, 12), // acceptablePrice
              expandDecimals(5200, 12), // triggerPrice
              expandDecimals(52000, 6) // minOutputAmount
        { value: expandDecimals(3, 17) }

    const orderAfterSecondUpdate = await reader.getOrder(dataStore.address, orderKeys[0]);

    // Check that the order's execution fee is now 3e17 again, i.e.: 0.3 ETH
    expect(orderAfterSecondUpdate.numbers.executionFee).eq(expandDecimals(3, 17));

    // ETH balance for subaccount after second update
    const ethBalanceAfterSecondUpdate = await ethers.provider.getBalance(subaccount.address);
    // Gas spent (after top-up) in the second update: 0.000667564503115301 ETH
    const EthSpentSecondtUpdate = ethers.BigNumber.from("667564503115301");

    // The difference between the previous and current balance is due to execution fee (0.3 ETH) + gas expenses
    // TL;DR: This difference shows that the execution fee is not refunded to the subaccount 


Include the current value of the execution fee when topping up subaccounts during order updates.


SOLVED: The RFX team solved the issue in the specified commit id.

Remediation Hash

8.2 Non-updated borrowing factor leads to fee miscalculations

// High


When a position is updated, the updateFundingAndBorrowingState function is triggered to adjust the CUMULATIVE_BORROWING_FACTOR. This factor is updated based on the latest borrowing rate (i.e.: borrowing factor per second) and the elapsed time since the last update. The borrowing rate itself depends on the percentage of the pool's liquidity that is currently borrowed: the higher the borrowed percentage, the higher the rate. By updating the CUMULATIVE_BORROWING_FACTOR before making any state changes that could influence the rate, the system ensures that borrowing fees are calculated accurately.

However, this process is not consistently applied throughout the code. When users withdraw or deposit funds, they alter the borrowing rate: withdrawals increase it, while deposits decrease it. Since the CUMULATIVE_BORROWING_FACTOR is not updated during a deposit or withdrawal, the next time it is updated (e.g.: when increasing / decreasing a position), the borrowing fees will be miscalculated because the rate will use the new value instead of the actual value that was present during the elapsed time. The described situation can result in excessive fees being charged if a withdrawal occurs, or insufficient fees being charged if a deposit occurs. The affected functions are the following:

  • ExecuteDepositUtils.executeDeposit

  • ExecuteWithdrawalUtils.executeWithdrawal

It is worth noting that large deposits or withdrawals can significantly amplify this fee inaccuracy. Excessive fees can unexpectedly push near-liquidateable positions into liquidation. Furthermore, this incremental rise in borrowing fees creates arbitrage opportunities, allowing attackers to exploit the inaccurate fee adjustments through well-timed orders and deposits.


Update the funding and borrowing state in the executeDeposit and executeWithdrawal functions before modifying the pool amount.


SOLVED: The RFX team solved the issue when refactoring the codebase to v2.1.

Remediation Comment
Fixed/Refactored in RFX2.1
Remediation Hash

8.3 Lack of price validation allows operations at improper prices

// Medium


When creating a deposit, withdrawal, or order, the user's funds are transferred into a vault. A key referencing the requested operation is attached to the corresponding event upon creation. Once this event is detected, a keeper is triggered. The order keeper can then execute the requested operation by providing the necessary request key and oracle prices.

While prices are validated to ensure they are appropriate at the time of execution, they are not validated to ensure they fall within an acceptable range compared to the time of request creation. As a result, if there is a significant time gap between the request creation and execution, the operation may be executed with inappropriate prices. This scenario can potentially harm both users and disrupt the market's balance.

Code Location

Let's take the example of deposits: In order to execute a deposit, an order keeper calls the executeDeposit function within the exchange/DepositHandler contract:

function executeDeposit(
    bytes32 key,
    OracleUtils.SetPricesParams calldata oracleParams
) external payable
    withOraclePrices(oracle, dataStore, eventEmitter, oracleParams)

The OracleModule.withOraclePrices modifier is implemented as follows: it sets the oracle prices using the provided prices before executing the calling function, and subsequently clears all the prices:

modifier withOraclePrices(
    Oracle oracle,
    DataStore dataStore,
    EventEmitter eventEmitter,
    OracleUtils.SetPricesParams memory params
) {
    oracle.setPrices{value: msg.value}(dataStore, eventEmitter, params);

The Oracle.setPrices function has the below implementation:

function setPrices(
    DataStore dataStore,
    EventEmitter eventEmitter,
    OracleUtils.SetPricesParams memory params
) external payable onlyController {
    if (tokensWithPrices.length() != 0) {
        revert Errors.NonEmptyTokensWithPrices(tokensWithPrices.length());

    _setPricesFromRealtimeFeeds(dataStore, eventEmitter, params);

The Oracle._setPricesFromRealtimeFeeds function has the below implementation:

function _setPricesFromRealtimeFeeds(
    DataStore dataStore,
    EventEmitter eventEmitter,
    OracleUtils.SetPricesParams memory params
) internal returns (OracleUtils.RealtimeFeedReport[] memory) {
    OracleUtils.RealtimeFeedReport[] memory reports = _validateRealtimeFeeds(

The Oracle._validateRealtimeFeeds function has the below implementation:

function _validateRealtimeFeeds(
        DataStore dataStore,
        address[] memory realtimeFeedTokens,
        bytes[] memory realtimeFeedData
    ) internal returns (OracleUtils.RealtimeFeedReport[] memory) {
        uint256 dataCounter;
        for (uint256 i; i < realtimeFeedTokens.length; i++) {
            uint fee = pyth.getUpdateFee(feedData);

            /// @dev Reverts if the transferred fee is not sufficient or the updateData is invalid or there is
            /// no update for any of the given `priceIds` within the given time range
            uint64 minPublishTime = uint64(Chain.currentTimestamp() - maxPriceAge);
            uint64 maxPublishTime = uint64(Chain.currentTimestamp() + maxPriceAge);
            PythStructs.PriceFeed[] memory priceFeeds = pyth.parsePriceFeedUpdates{value: fee}(feedData, feedIds, minPublishTime, maxPublishTime);

The highlighted part will ensure that the prices provided to pyth.parsePriceFeedUpdates must fall within the specified minPublishTime and maxPublishTime. These timestamps are derived from the current block timestamp, thereby enforcing that the prices are within an acceptable range relative to the time of execution.

Going back to the exchange/DepositHandler.executeDeposit function, it later calls the _executeDeposit internal function, which calls the ExecuteDepositUtils.executeDepositfunction, which also fails to confirm that the provided prices align with an acceptable timeframe relative to the deposit creation time:

function executeDeposit(ExecuteDepositParams memory params, Deposit.Props memory deposit) external {
        // 63/64 gas is forwarded to external calls, reduce the startingGas to account for this
        params.startingGas -= gasleft() / 63;

        DepositStoreUtils.remove(params.dataStore, params.key, deposit.account());

        ExecuteDepositCache memory cache;

        if (deposit.account() == address(0)) {
            revert Errors.EmptyDeposit();

        Market.Props memory market = MarketUtils.getEnabledMarket(params.dataStore, deposit.market());

        _validateFirstDeposit(params, deposit, market);

        MarketUtils.MarketPrices memory prices = MarketUtils.getMarketPrices(params.oracle, market);


Consider validating that the oracle prices provided during the execution of the operation fall within an acceptable range relative to the prices at the time the operation was requested.


SOLVED: The RFX team solved the issue when refactoring the codebase to v2.1.

Remediation Comment
Fixed/Refactored in RFX2.1
Remediation Hash

8.4 Deposit cap validation could cause unnecessary reverts

// Medium


The _executeDeposit function in the ExecuteDepositUtils library calls the MarketUtils.validatePoolAmountForDeposit function if priceImpactUsd is greater than zero. However, if the pool's long token is near its deposit cap while the short token is not, depositing short tokens can lead to a positive price impact. This price impact might cause the long token's deposit cap to be exceeded and, as a consequence, the operation could unnecessarily revert.

In such scenarios, it is preferable to allow the pool to be rebalanced even if it results in surpassing the deposit cap for the long token.

Code Location

A call to the MarketUtils.validatePoolAmountForDeposit function when priceImpactUsd is greater than zero could cause an unnecessary revert:

if (_params.priceImpactUsd > 0) {
  // when there is a positive price impact factor,
  // tokens from the swap impact pool are used to mint additional market tokens for the user
  // for example, if 50,000 USDC is deposited and there is a positive price impact
  // an additional 0.005 ETH may be used to mint market tokens
  // the swap impact pool is decreased by the used amount
  // priceImpactUsd is calculated based on pricing assuming only depositAmount of tokenIn
  // was added to the pool
  // since impactAmount of tokenOut is added to the pool here, the calculation of
  // the price impact would not be entirely accurate
  // it is possible that the addition of the positive impact amount of tokens into the pool
  // could increase the imbalance of the pool, for most cases this should not be a significant
  // change compared to the improvement of balance from the actual deposit
  int256 positiveImpactAmount = MarketUtils.applySwapImpactWithCap(

  // calculate the usd amount using positiveImpactAmount since it may
  // be capped by the max available amount in the impact pool
  // use tokenOutPrice.max to get the USD value since the positiveImpactAmount
  // was calculated using a USD value divided by tokenOutPrice.max
  // for the initial deposit, the pool value and token supply would be zero
  // so the market token price is treated as 1 USD
  // it is possible for the pool value to be more than zero and the token supply
  // to be zero, in that case, the market token price is also treated as 1 USD
  mintAmount += MarketUtils.usdToMarketTokenAmount(
    positiveImpactAmount.toUint256() * _params.tokenOutPrice.max,

  // deposit the token out, that was withdrawn from the impact pool, to mint market tokens




It is recommended to remove the call to the MarketUtils.validatePoolAmountForDeposit function if priceImpactUsd is greater than zero.


SOLVED: The RFX team solved the issue when refactoring the codebase to v2.1.

Remediation Comment
Fixed/Refactored in RFX2.1
Remediation Hash

8.5 Flawed payment logic

// Low


The Oracle contract relies on the Pyth Network for querying price feeds using pyth.parsePriceFeedUpdates, which necessitates a pre-calculated fee. However, the current payment logic has several issues:

  1. The _validateRealtimeFeeds function does not validate whether the caller has provided sufficient ETH to cover the fees when calculating the fee. This oversight allows the caller to utilize contract funds and bypass the payment requirement.

  2. The validateRealtimeFeeds function, which incurs fees by calling _validateRealtimeFeeds, lacks the payable modifier. Consequently, it does not allow callers to attach the necessary funds to cover fees. If the contract has insufficient funds, this function becomes temporarily disabled. Since the Oracle contract lacks a payable fallback or receive function, funds can only be transferred by either self-destructing from another contract to transfer funds or by attaching a large amount of ETH when calling setPrices, the only available payable function.

Code Location

The _validateRealtimeFeeds function does not validate whether the caller has provided sufficient ETH to cover the fees:

function _validateRealtimeFeeds(
        DataStore dataStore,
        address[] memory realtimeFeedTokens,
        bytes[] memory realtimeFeedData
    ) internal returns (OracleUtils.RealtimeFeedReport[] memory) {
        for (uint256 i; i < realtimeFeedTokens.length; i++) {
            uint fee = pyth.getUpdateFee(feedData);

            /// @dev Reverts if the transferred fee is not sufficient or the updateData is invalid or there is
            /// no update for any of the given `priceIds` within the given time range
            uint64 minPublishTime = uint64(Chain.currentTimestamp() - maxPriceAge);
            uint64 maxPublishTime = uint64(Chain.currentTimestamp() + maxPriceAge);
            PythStructs.PriceFeed[] memory priceFeeds = pyth.parsePriceFeedUpdates{value: fee}(feedData, feedIds, minPublishTime, maxPublishTime);

The validateRealtimeFeeds function calls the _validateRealtimeFeedsfunction. However, it lacks the payable modifier:

function validateRealtimeFeeds(
    DataStore dataStore,
    address[] memory realtimeFeedTokens,
    bytes[] memory realtimeFeedData
) external onlyController returns (OracleUtils.RealtimeFeedReport[] memory) {
    return _validateRealtimeFeeds(dataStore, realtimeFeedTokens, realtimeFeedData);

It is recommended to implement the following changes:

  • Validate that the caller has attached sufficient ETH to cover the fee and refund any excess amount within _validateRealtimeFeeds.

  • Add the payable keyword to the validateRealtimeFeeds function to allow callers to attach ETH for covering the fees.


SOLVED: The RFX team solved the issue when refactoring the codebase to v2.1.

Remediation Comment
Fixed/Refactored in RFX2.1
Remediation Hash

8.6 Oracle feed reports missing feed ID

// Low


In the _validateRealtimeFeeds function of the Oracle contract, price feeds are queried for each token using the respective feed ID to generate real-time feed reports, of type OracleUtils.RealtimeFeedReport, containing price details.

However, currently, the feedId field within each generated report is not being set. Consequently, each report lacks the necessary feed ID information that was used to query the underlying price details. This omission can lead to ambiguity or incorrect interpretation of the price data retrieved.

Code Location

Below is the definition of the OracleUtils.RealtimeFeedReport structure:

struct RealtimeFeedReport {
    // The feed ID the report has data for
    bytes32 feedId;
    // Min price
    uint256 minPrice;
    // Max price
    uint256 maxPrice;
    // Price exponent
    int32 expo;
    // Unix timestamp describing when the price was published
    uint publishTime;

In the _validateRealtimeFeeds function, the feedId field is not set for each report:

OracleUtils.RealtimeFeedReport memory report;
    if(baseFeedId != bytes32(0)) {
        report = OracleUtils.getQuoteBaseReport(priceFeeds[0].price, priceFeeds[1].price);
    } else {
        report.publishTime = priceFeeds[0].price.publishTime;
        report.expo = priceFeeds[0].price.expo;
        report.minPrice = uint256(uint64(priceFeeds[0].price.price) - priceFeeds[0].price.conf);
        report.maxPrice = uint256(uint64(priceFeeds[0].price.price) + priceFeeds[0].price.conf);
    if (report.publishTime + maxPriceAge < Chain.currentTimestamp()) {
        revert Errors.RealtimeMaxPriceAgeExceeded(token, report.publishTime, Chain.currentTimestamp());

    reports[i] = report;

Consider setting each report's feedId:

report.feedId = feedId;
reports[i] = report; 

SOLVED: The RFX team solved the issue when refactoring the codebase to v2.1.

Remediation Comment
Fixed/Refactored in RFX2.1
Remediation Hash

8.7 Role set is not correctly updated when revoking one of the roles

// Low


The _revokeRole function in the RoleStore contract does not remove roleKey from the role set when there are no more members (i.e.: roleMembers[roleKey].length() is 0). As a consequence, the number of roles stored in the contract calculated in the getRoleCount function could be distorted from the current value.

Code Location

The _revokeRole function does not remove roleKey from role set when there are no more members:

function _revokeRole(address account, bytes32 roleKey) internal {
  roleCache[account][roleKey] = false;

  if (roleMembers[roleKey].length() == 0) {
    if (roleKey == Role.ROLE_ADMIN) {
      revert Errors.ThereMustBeAtLeastOneRoleAdmin();
    if (roleKey == Role.TIMELOCK_MULTISIG) {
      revert Errors.ThereMustBeAtLeastOneTimelockMultiSig();

It is recommended to remove keys from the role set when there are no more members.


SOLVED: The RFX team solved the issue in the specified commit id.

Remediation Hash

8.8 Untimely balance checks when topping up subaccounts

// Low


The _autoTopUpSubaccount function in the SubaccountRouter contract verifies if the balance of wrapped native tokens for the account is sufficient before further processing. However, this validation is carried out before capping the top-up amount to the amount of native tokens used, which could result in some subaccounts not being correctly topped up.

Code Location

The _autoTopUpSubaccount function verifies the balance of wrapped native tokens for the account before capping the top-up amount:

function _autoTopUpSubaccount(address account, address subaccount, uint256 startingGas, uint256 executionFee) internal {
  uint256 amount = SubaccountUtils.getSubaccountAutoTopUpAmount(dataStore, account, subaccount);
  if (amount == 0) {

  IERC20 wnt = IERC20(dataStore.getAddress(Keys.WNT));

  if (wnt.allowance(account, address(router)) < amount) { return; }
  if (wnt.balanceOf(account) < amount) { return; }

  // cap the top up amount to the amount of native tokens used
  uint256 nativeTokensUsed = (startingGas - gasleft()) * tx.gasprice + executionFee;
  if (nativeTokensUsed < amount) { amount = nativeTokensUsed; }

    address(wnt), // token
    account, // account
    address(this), // receiver
    amount // amount


  EventUtils.EventLogData memory eventData;

  eventData.addressItems.setItem(0, "account", account);
  eventData.addressItems.setItem(1, "subaccount", subaccount);

  eventData.uintItems.setItem(0, "amount", amount);


It is recommended to verify the balance of wrapped native tokens for the account after capping the top-up amount.


SOLVED: The RFX team solved the issue in the specified commit id.

Remediation Hash

8.9 Empty event log data is returned when processing order increases

// Informational


When executing market orders, the processOrder function within each order type manages order execution and returns event log data. This data can later be utilized within the afterOrderExecution function inside the order’s callback contract.

However, when executing order increases via IncreaseOrderUtils.processOrder, the function returns empty event log data, thereby preventing the callback from utilizing the execution results.

Code Location

The IncreaseOrderUtils.processOrder function returns an empty event log data after processing each order:

function processOrder(BaseOrderUtils.ExecuteOrderParams memory params) external returns (EventUtils.EventLogData memory) {

    EventUtils.EventLogData memory eventData;
    return eventData;

It is recommended to include the collateral token address and the corresponding increment amount used to increase the user’s position in the event log data. These parameters are returned from the SwapUtils.swap call:

(address collateralToken, uint256 collateralIncrementAmount) = SwapUtils.swap(SwapUtils.SwapParams(

SOLVED: The RFX team has solved this issue by including the collateral token address and the corresponding increment amount used to increase the user’s position in the event log data.

Remediation Hash

8.10 Lack of zero address check

// Informational


Some functions in the codebase do not include a zero address check for their parameters. If one of those parameters is mistakenly set to zero, it could affect the correct operation of the protocol. The affected functions are the following:

  • DataStore.setAddress

  • BaseOrderHandler.constructor

  • DepositHandler.constructor

  • FeeHandler.constructor

  • MarketFactory.constructor

  • OracleStore.constructor

  • OracleStore.addSigner

  • RoleModule.constructor

  • SubaccountRouter.constructor


It is recommended to add a zero address check in the functions mentioned above.


ACKNOWLEDGED: The RFX team acknowledged this issue.

Remediation Comment

8.11 Potential variable declaration might go unused

// Informational


In the SwapUtils._swap function, there is a risk that the declared cache variable might not be utilized if one of the subsequent validations fails. This could lead to unnecessary gas consumption.

Code Location

The cache variable declaration might remain unused if one of the subsequent validations fails:

function _swap(SwapParams memory params, _SwapParams memory _params) internal returns (address, uint256) {
    SwapCache memory cache;

    if (_params.tokenIn != _params.market.longToken && _params.tokenIn != _params.market.shortToken) {
        revert Errors.InvalidTokenIn(_params.tokenIn, _params.market.marketToken);

    MarketUtils.validateSwapMarket(params.dataStore, _params.market);

    cache.tokenOut = MarketUtils.getOppositeToken(_params.tokenIn, _params.market);

Consider declaring the cache variable immediately after the MarketUtils.validateSwapMarket check to ensure it is used in the intended context.


SOLVED: The RFX team has solved this issue by implementing the recommended change.

Remediation Hash

8.12 Duplicated functions

// Informational


Some functions in the codebase are duplicated (i.e.: they contain the same code logic), which could make it harder to apply future changes in the common logic of the functions and can even introduce potential bugs. The affected functions are the following:

  • DataStore.applyDeltaToUint function has duplicated code with DataStore.incrementUint.

  • DataStore.applyDeltaToInt function has duplicated code with DataStore.incrementInt.

This situation is not security-related, but mentioned in the report as part of the DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) principle used as a best practice in software development to improve the maintainability of code during all phases of its lifecycle.


It is recommended to update the codebase to call only one version of the duplicated functions and remove the other ones to avoid potential mistakes.


SOLVED: The RFX team solved the issue in the specified commit id.

Remediation Hash

8.13 Optimization in conditional logic

// Informational


In the ExecuteDepositUtils._executeDeposit function, the deposit logic is segregated based on the price impact factor. The initial if clause manages scenarios with a positive price impact, whereas the subsequent if clause handles those with a negative price impact. Given that the first if clause checks params.priceImpactUsd > 0, it logically follows that the second if clause checks params.priceImpactUsd < 0. However, since the conditions are mutually exclusive, the second if clause will never evaluate to true if the first condition is satisfied.

Code Location

The ExecuteDepositUtils._executeDeposit function contains an inefficient if clause:

if (_params.priceImpactUsd > 0) {

if (_params.priceImpactUsd < 0) {

It is recommended to use the else if construct as follows: else if (_params.priceImpactUsd < 0) to avoid redundant checks for a negative price impact after confirming a positive one.


SOLVED: The RFX team has solved this issue by implementing the recommended change.

Remediation Hash

8.14 Optimizations in loops

// Informational


Within the existing for loops, the following optimization principles can be applied to reduce gas:

Increment loop counter in an unchecked block:
In Solidity, most for loops use a uint256 counter variable that starts at 0 and increments by 1. Checking for over/underflow in these increments is unnecessary because the variable will exhaust gas long before reaching the maximum capacity of uint256.

Use ++i instead of i++:
With i++, the value of i (its old value) is returned before incrementing i to its new value. This results in two values being stored on the stack, regardless of whether you intend to use both. In contrast, ++i evaluates the increment operation first, updating i to its incremented value, and then returns this new value. This approach requires only one item to be stored on the stack.

Cache array lengths outside of loop:
When the length of an array is not cached outside of a loop, the Solidity compiler reads the length of the array during each iteration. For storage arrays, this leads to an additional SLOAD operation, incurring 100 extra gas for each iteration except the first. For memory arrays, an extra MLOAD operation is performed, adding 3 additional gas for each iteration except the first. Identifying loops where the length of a storage array is accessed in the loop condition without being modified inside the loop can highlight optimization opportunities.

The optimizations mentioned above can be implemented in the following cases:

  • contracts/fee/FeeHandler.sol#L38

  • contracts/oracle/OracleModule.sol#L56

  • contracts/oracle/Oracle.sol#L316, L407

  • contracts/swap/SwapUtils.sol#L136, L165


It is recommended to implement the adequate for loop optimizations in the following way:


for (uint256 i; i < array.length; i++) {..}


length = array.length
for (uint256 i; i < length;) {

ACKNOWLEDGED: The RFX team acknowledged this issue.

Remediation Comment

8.15 Unlocked pragma

// Informational


Every Solidity file specifies in the header a version number of the format pragma solidity (^)0.8.*. The caret ( ^ ) before the version number implies an unlocked pragma, meaning that the compiler will use the specified version and above, hence the term "unlocked".

Contracts should be deployed using the same compiler version and flags that were used during their development and testing phases. Locking the pragma ensures consistency and prevents unintended deployment with a different pragma version. Using an outdated pragma version can introduce bugs that may adversely affect the contract system.

Code Location

All contracts within the codebase use an unlocked pragma:

pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

Consider locking the pragma version in the smart contracts. It is not recommended to use a floating pragma in production.
For example: pragma solidity 0.8.21;


ACKNOWLEDGED: The RFX team acknowledged this issue.

Remediation Comment

8.16 Unused components in the codebase

// Informational


Within the codebase, the following components remain unused:

  • Errors.CouldNotSendNativeToken error message

  • Errors.HasRealtimeFeedId error message

  • Errors.InvalidRealtimeFeedId error message

  • Errors.InvalidRealtimeBidAsk error message

  • Errors.InvalidRealtimeBlockHash error message

  • Errors.InvalidRealtimePrices error message

  • Errors.MaxPriceAgeExceeded error message

  • Errors.MinOracleSigners error message

  • Errors.MaxOracleSigners error message

  • Errors.BlockNumbersNotSorted error message

  • Errors.MinPricesNotSorted error message

  • Errors.MaxPricesNotSorted error message

  • Errors.InvalidFeedPrice error message

  • Errors.PriceFeedNotUpdated error message

  • Errors.MaxSignerIndex error message

  • Errors.InvalidOraclePrice error message

  • Errors.InvalidSignerMinMaxPrice error message

  • Errors.InvalidMedianMinMaxPrice error message

  • Errors.EmptyPriceFeed error message

  • Errors.UnsupportedOracleBlockNumberType error message

  • oracleParams argument in the BaseOrderHandler._getExecuteOrderParams function

  • Oracle.ValidatedPrice struct

  • Oracle.SetPricesCache struct

  • Oracle.getStablePrice function

  • Oracle.getPriceFeedMultiplier function

  • Oracle._getSalt function

These elements are present within the codebase but are not currently utilized.


It is recommended to remove unused components in the codebase to save gas.


PARTIALLY SOLVED: The RFX team solved most of the issue when refactoring the codebase to v2.1. The only remaining unused component is the Errors.BlockNumbersNotSorted error message.

Remediation Comment
Fixed/Refactored in RFX2.1
Remediation Hash

8.17 Incorrect or missing NatSpec comments

// Informational


The following issues were identified in the NatSpec documentation:

OracleUtils.SetPricesParams struct:

  • The compactedOracleBlockNumbers parameter is outdated and no longer exists.

  • The realtimeFeedTokens and realtimeFeedData parameters lack NatSpec documentation.

OracleUtils.validateSigner function:

  • The minOracleBlockNumber and maxOracleBlockNumber parameters are no longer used but are still documented.

ExecuteDepositUtils.ExecuteDepositParams struct:

  • The oracleBlockNumbers parameter is deprecated and requires removal from NatSpec documentation.

  • No NatSpec documentation exists for the depositVault parameter.

SwapUtils.SwapCache struct:

  • The priceImpactUsd and priceImpactAmount parameters are undocumented.

Withdrawal.Addresses struct:

  • The longTokenSwapPath and shortTokenSwapPath parameters lack NatSpec documentation.

Withdrawal.Flags struct:

  • The shouldUnwrapNativeToken parameter's NatSpec comment is incomplete and needs revision:"whether to unwrap the native token when".

ExecuteWithdrawalParams struct:

  • The minOracleBlockNumbers and maxOracleBlockNumbers parameters are outdated and should be removed from NatSpec documentation.

ExecuteWithdrawalUtils.executeWithdrawal function:

  • The withdrawal parameter lacks NatSpec documentation.

Order.Numbers struct:

  • The decreasePositionSwapType parameter is not documented within the NatSpec comments.

Market.Props struct:

  • The data parameter is documented in NatSpec comments but does not exist and should be removed.


Consider updating the NatSpec comments by removing outdated parameters, documenting the missing ones, and completing unfinished comments.


PARTIALLY SOLVED: The RFX team has partially solved this issue when refactoring the codebase to v2.1. However, there are still some NatSpec comments that are either missing or incorrect:

SwapUtils.SwapCache struct:

  • The priceImpactUsd and priceImpactAmount parameters are undocumented.

Withdrawal.Addresses struct:

  • The longTokenSwapPath and shortTokenSwapPath parameters lack NatSpec documentation.

Withdrawal.Flags struct:

  • The shouldUnwrapNativeToken parameter's NatSpec comment is incomplete and needs revision:"whether to unwrap the native token when".

ExecuteWithdrawalUtils.executeWithdrawal function:

  • The withdrawal parameter lacks NatSpec documentation.

Order.Numbers struct:

  • The decreasePositionSwapType parameter is not documented within the NatSpec comments.

Market.Props struct:

  • The data parameter is documented in NatSpec comments but does not exist and should be removed.

Remediation Comment
Fixed/Refactored in RFX2.1
Remediation Hash

8.18 Typo In comment

// Informational


Within the NatSpec documentation for the Oracle.getPriceFeedMultiplier function, the word "multiplier" was misspelled as "multipler":

// @return the price feed multipler

It is recommended to fix the present typo.


SOLVED: The RFX team solved the issue when refactoring the codebase to v2.1.

Remediation Comment
Fixed/Refactored in RFX2.1
Remediation Hash

8.19 Incorrect comments

// Informational


Incorporating comments into the codebase is essential for elucidating key aspects and facilitating comprehension of the developer's intentions by others. Nevertheless, several errors were identified within these comments:

In the OracleUtils contract, the RealtimeFeedReport structure’s comments incorrectly referenced bid and ask parameters, which have since been deprecated and renamed to minPrice and maxPrice respectively.

// bid: min price, highest buy price
// ask: max price, lowest sell price
struct RealtimeFeedReport {
    // The feed ID the report has data for
    bytes32 feedId;
    // Min price
    uint256 minPrice;
    // Max price
    uint256 maxPrice;
    // Price exponent
    int32 expo;
    // Unix timestamp describing when the price was published
    uint publishTime;

In the Oracle contract, it was stated that the setPrices function checked the number of signers and then called _setPrices and _setPricesFromPriceFeeds to set tokens prices. However, this logic no longer applies in the current implementation.

// bits contain the index of each signer in the oracleStore. The function checks that the number
// of signers is greater than or equal to the minimum number of signers required, and that
// the signer indices are unique and within the maximum signer index. The function then calls
// _setPrices and _setPricesFromPriceFeeds to set the prices of the tokens.

Below is the implementation of the setPrices function:

function setPrices(
        DataStore dataStore,
        EventEmitter eventEmitter,
        OracleUtils.SetPricesParams memory params
    ) external payable onlyController {
        if (tokensWithPrices.length() != 0) {
            revert Errors.NonEmptyTokensWithPrices(tokensWithPrices.length());

        _setPricesFromRealtimeFeeds(dataStore, eventEmitter, params);

Furthermore, examples within the comments of the Oracle.setPrices function contained incorrect exponent values, leading to inaccurate prices:

In the comment below, (2 ^ 64) should have been (2 ^ 32) instead:

// USDC prices maximum value: `(2 ^ 64) / (10 ^ 6) => 4,294,967,296 / (10 ^ 6) => 4294.967296`.

In the comment below, (10 ^ 3) should have been (10 ^ 4) instead:

// Price would be stored as `1 * (10 ^ -26) * (10 ^ 30) => 1 * (10 ^ 3)`.

In the comment below, (2 ^ 64) should have been (2 ^ 32) instead:

// DG prices maximum value: `(2 ^ 64) / (10 ^ 11) => 4,294,967,296 / (10 ^ 11) => 0.04294967296`.

It is recommended to remove deprecated comments and correct any comments that contain errors.


SOLVED: The RFX team solved the issue when refactoring the codebase to v2.1.

Remediation Comment
Fixed/Refactored in RFX2.1
Remediation Hash

8.20 Unused import statements

// Informational


Within the codebase, the following unused imports were identified:


  • import "../utils/Printer.sol";


  • import "@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/math/SafeCast.sol";

  • import "@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/Strings.sol";

  • import "./IPriceFeed.sol";

  • import "./IRealtimeFeedVerifier.sol";

  • import "../utils/Bits.sol";

  • import "../utils/Array.sol";

  • import "hardhat/console.sol";


  • import "@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/math/SafeMath.sol";


  • import "../error/ErrorUtils.sol";


  • import "../token/TokenUtils.sol";


  • import "../adl/AdlUtils.sol";

  • import "../nonce/NonceUtils.sol";

  • import "../oracle/OracleUtils.sol";

  • import "../utils/AccountUtils.sol";


  • import "../order/OrderStoreUtils.sol";


  • import "../order/OrderStoreUtils.sol";


  • import "../order/OrderStoreUtils.sol";

  • import "../callback/CallbackUtils.sol";


Consider removing the unused import statements.


PARTIALLY SOLVED: The RFX team has partially solved this issue by removing most of the unused import statements. However, there is still one unused import that remains in the order/DecreaseOrderUtils.sol contract:

  • import "../order/OrderStoreUtils.sol";

Remediation Hash

Halborn strongly recommends conducting a follow-up assessment of the project either within six months or immediately following any material changes to the codebase, whichever comes first. This approach is crucial for maintaining the project’s integrity and addressing potential vulnerabilities introduced by code modifications.

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